Tuesday, March 14, 2017

How To Face Betrayal Trauma Ontario CA

By Sarah Smith

At one time, you may have felt betrayed by the actions of your best friends. Sometime, kids get hurt by their friends and family members. There are many developing cases of Betrayal Trauma Ontario CA in children who have been abused. Spouses who have gone through domestic violence face difficult times. This even worsens if the victim had close relationship with the perpetrator.

People who depend on others for food, financial or emotional support feel abused if that person betrays them. Such individuals lose the trust they had with abusers. In most cases, coping results in deliberate unawareness or betrayal blindness. Whether it was a simpler or extreme case, this memory lasts in a life time.

The amount of trauma is directly related to the level of betrayal. Most of the victims fear having confrontations with the abusers. Others depend on the support of perpetrators. To protect themselves, they tend to shut the conscious recall of these events. This may take place in many years. Other associated symptoms include panic attacks, anxiety, anger, suicidal behavior, alexithymia and complains of poor physical health.

The behavior of suppressing memories leads to cases of dissociation. In this case, the victim is unable to integrate feelings, experiences and thoughts. They have complete detachment from the reality. Most will have instances of identity fragmentation, post-traumatic stress and memory loss. Cases of trauma cause affected people to have visual and auditory hallucinations. They will report of hearing the voice of abusers.

Studies show that people who had history of trauma in their childhood years report psychotic symptoms in adulthood. This includes hallucinations. Psychosis is closely linked with parental death, interpersonal crises and bullying. Betrayal blindness leads to serious symptoms of psychoses. All this stems from loss of trust. Childhood trauma has lasting effects on the victim. Sexual abuse is associated with severe dissociation.

It is advisable that victims seek early treatment from therapists. It is hard to find own solutions. Destructive symptoms affect them to a great extent. People say that wounds eventually heal. This cannot happen without expert intervention. They have to be taught on how to cope with normal routines. Anxiety or depression hinders work to a great extent.

Simple situations may end up affecting the victims. They face many frustrations. Sympathy from their colleagues affect them. They end up losing their energy to emotional instability. That is why they are quite lethargic in many cases. Children will suffer more after rejection. This is because, they need intervention of their caregivers. They cannot survive without them. That is why betrayal often leads to confusion.

They tend to develop nightmares. There is a lot of anxiety in this stage. Children may end up having trust issues later in life. Affected individuals are left with painful memories. Children are unable to cope in such situations. They need professional help. They will help them get through depression and anxiety. Victims in the city of Ontario CA can also attend online sessions. During the sessions, victims are told to write important issues in their lives. Therapists help them cope with the problems.

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