Wednesday, March 8, 2017

How Vietnam Vets Donation Has Impacted The Lives Of So Many

By Christine Parker

Most of today's returning soldiers are welcomed back with open arms and waving flags. This was not the case in the nineteen sixties and seventies when veterans returned from the war in Southeast Asia. Many of them were received with open hostility. It was not unusual to hear of angry confrontations and threats between war protesters and soldiers. In many cases this made reentry into the civilian world very difficult. That is why a Vietnam Vets donation was so important in helping many get their lives back on track.

There are a lot of nonprofits that have been organized to help retired service people with various problems they face after combat. Many soldiers return with debilitating physical challenges that require multiple surgeries and rehabilitation that can last for years. For the majority of these veterans holding a full time job is impossible, and their families suffer financially as a result.

For the Southeast Asian war veterans, post-traumatic stress disorder has been a particular problem. Many of them have found it nearly impossible to maintain a normal life over the years. These veterans were also exposed to the deadly agent orange and have suffered from the effects of that exposure. Veteran suicide rates are much higher than those of civilians, which is testimony to the difficulties many face when they try to adjust to life off the battlefield.

Understanding what benefits they are entitled to and how to go about getting them, is very confusing for a lot of veterans. One of the things donations help nonprofits do is to make sure benefit paperwork is filled out correctly and goes to the right agency, so the veteran can begin to receive assistance as soon as possible. They keep up with the legislation going through Congress that will affect soldiers and contact representatives on these veterans' behalf.

For some veterans, military duty is the first and only job they have ever had. Once they retire and have to find employment in the civilian world, many are at a loss. Donations to veterans' organizations make it possible for them to have an advocate who knows how to help them assess their current job skills, write effective resumes, handle job interviews, and dress appropriately for the workplace.

Nonprofits who work with veterans are tireless advocates for their rights and benefits. They lobby Congress on the veterans' behalf and contact Representative and Senators when bills affecting the lives of service people are in Congressional committees.

Many returning veterans feel isolated when they return from active duty. They need a community of veterans who understand the issues they have to deal with every day. One of the most important sources for them are the outreach programs provided by nonprofits.

Whether the men and women who have served have volunteered or been drafted, they have done their part to keep the country safe. Helping them reenter the civilian world successfully is an obligation everyone should take seriously.

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