Tuesday, March 14, 2017

The Most Common Myths About Fashion

By Katie Onson

In the digital age that we live in today, it's very easy to take everything we see at face value. This is no different in the world of fashion, which holds more than its fair share of myths. Anyone that works in fashion will tell you the same, which is exactly why it's worth looking into the myths in question to see just how valid they are. Here are some of the most common misconceptions regarding fashion that you should be more aware of.

"Only vertical - not horizontal - stripes should be worn." According to companies like Estelle's Dressy Dresses, it's not just vertical stripes that make a person look thinner. Despite what many people say about horizontal stripes making someone look wider, it's been said that they can actually help to create a sense of thinness. The stripes themselves simply have to be worn in the right areas. This goes for any article of clothing, from simple blazers to sweet 16 dresses.

"No one should wear blue and black together." Do not make the mistake of assuming that blue and black are incompatible. These two colors, as similar as they might be in shade, can actually work well together. The main way to do this, though, is by accessorizing wisely. You should use the right accessories so that they go with your clothing from a visual standpoint. This is yet another fashion myth that shouldn't be so easily believed.

"Only one or two patterns, at most, should be worn." In the fashion world we live in today, patterns have taken a high level of priority. Instead of sticking to a single pattern, you should try to wear different ones together. It's entirely possible to do so, since they can work together in order to create looks that are nothing short of unique. The more willing you are to experiment, the more likely it is you'll come up with something special.

As you can see, there are more than a few fashion myths that fashion specialists will be able to tell you about. This is why you should make it a point to learn, uncovering the myths in question so that you can see the truth that exists underneath. Fashion will continue to grow as time moves on; this is a fact. However, in order to be as stylish as possible for any time of the year, you should be able to differentiate fact from fiction.

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