Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Tops Advantages Of Large Aluminum Print

By Helen Watson

There are many misconceptions out there on how engraving is done. Most people only believe that you can only engrave photos or texts on either vinyl or paper. The piece of art is first transferred to a piece of paper then to aluminum, and after that, they are pressed using heat. This way, the dyes on the transfer paper can convert to gas. When the dye is in gas form, it is the ideal time for it to be pressed onto an aluminum surface. The dye will go back to solid state once the metal starts to cool down. When this is done, you can now see text and graphics engraved on metal. Here are some of the things you should be aware of about large aluminum print.

We are all aware that texts and graphics will fade on papers when they are exposed to the sun for a long span of time. Of the benefits of the HD photo printing on metals is that it takes so many years for the fading to happen. As a matter of fact, the process of fading will only commence after about 100 years of being exposed to the sun.

These metal prints are scratch resistant. The most disadvantaging factor of other printing forms is the fact that they are susceptible to scratches which make them have a distorted image. During the metal printing process, the dyes will be under the surface of aluminum sublimation or coating. The HD metal printing does not have problems like peeling off like the other means. You will thus have a long lasting print that will survive the test of times.

You can have the metal prints looking as traditional or modern as you so wish. The benefit of having HD metal prints on this metal is the fact that you can put them in the normal frames. This, therefore, means that they will appear as the other usual artwork after hanging on walls. Obviously, you can choose the very modern appearance and hung them up by us of wall floating hooks.

Metal prints are hardly affected by factors such as temperature or heat. In the event of a fire, you can be sure that one thing that will survive are your metal prints. They will remain the same even after going through the worst conditions.

It is easy to clean them. There are some printings that when cleaning, you might end up erasing the graphics or the texts thus diminish their value. You do not have to worry about such shortcomings with the metal printing as the fingerprint marks, and other stains are easy to clean off. The fact that the dye will be below the coatings the texts and graphics will be perfectly safe from being wiped off.

Aluminum has less weight. You might dread the thought of hanging bulky products on the wall. Aluminum, however, has less weight and is not bulky at all. That might be the reason most people prefer to use it for such ventures. It slight weight nature does not allow them to fall off like other bulky methods.

Above are a few things that will make you not fear to hang metallic prints on your walls, and why it is even advisable to go for such. Thus always go for such printing option.

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