Friday, March 30, 2018

A Day At Olive Grove Baptist Church

By Timothy Mitchell

People learn what to believe in from a young age. This is by doing as those around them do. If their family members believe in God, then this may be the path they follow. If those close to them have no such beliefs, the person will have no solid belief system. Those who want to experience Olive Grove Baptist Church need to go through the following information.

Call to find out about the different services that are held. This will help one plan to attend at the most preferred time. Some churches have services that go on for the whole day. Those who are willing can stay here from morning to evening. Members who only have a few hours to spare should choose the time they can get the most out of the service.

Set aside the day for yourself. One should never be in a rush especially when trying something new. Otherwise, it will be impossible to appreciate the experience. The service should go on for at least two hours. A prolonged sermon may not have the effect that an individual is expecting. This is because people have a varied attention span and often get tired after some time. Leaders should always be keen on time.

Be willing to learn. Having to stand during singing sessions can be awkward when one does not know a thing. One should try to have fun and just go with the flow. If people are clapping their hands and dancing, doing the same may be necessary. Some songs are catchy and easy to learn, and in no time, one will leave having known something.

Interacting with people is a given. This can be uncomfortable for individuals who have never been in church before. However, this helps individuals feel comfortable. They can also find a friend through this. The leader in charge at the time usually asks the people to greet their neighbors. There are those who do not mind getting up from their seats and walking around to greet as many people as possible.

Welcoming of visitors is a top priority. Those attending a certain institution for the first time tend to feel nervous and as if they do not belong. However, this sanctuary is for all who want to seek God regardless of gender or race. Newcomers often have special seats reserved for them. The leaders of the church set apart some time to talk to them and guide them regarding their faith.

Ready yourself for communion. This is usually held on the first Sunday of every month. This may be a new experience for some. One can decide to simply watch and understand the process while others can decide to partake in it. Members who are not sure about communion can seek guidance from the leaders who are involved.

Carry some money for offering. This should not only comprise of the loose change you are left with after a purchase but cash deliberately set aside for this purpose. Ushers pass by each pew with baskets where people can place what they have. Those who are offering money for a different purpose usually place them in envelopes and indicate its use.

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