Thursday, March 22, 2018

Try The Original Essiac Tea Recipe

By Timothy Price

Rene Caisse, the Canadian nurse, made and used this tea for decades, for treating cancer patients. Lately, this amazing herbal tea became popular again, thanks to its unbelievable properties. It seams to be highly effective in treating different types of cancer, used alone or in combination with other cancer-treating protocols.

Today there are numerous variations of the original Essiac tea recipe, and some contain six or eight, or even more different ingredients. In any case, the original one contain only four different herbs, Burdock root, sheep sorrel, Turkish rhubarb and slippery elm bark. The first two fight cancer, and later two build up immune system. Together, they are simply amazing.

Sheep Sorrel is considered as the most beneficial ingredient in this mixture, but this special combination of different herbs proved to be highly effective. Of course, it is important to use only high quality, freshly harvested herbs. If you cannot find really dependable supplier, consider growing these herbs in your own garden. For the best results, use organically grown ones.

This remedy is especially effective on newly diagnosed cancer patients, when their cancer has still not significantly spread. It works better on slow-growing types, although some results may be achieved on almost any type of cancer. In this case, it should be combined with other protocols, especially those that include special anti-cancer diets.

For preparing the tea, you will need 1 lb 5 oz. Burdock root, 1 lb. Sheep Sorrel powder, 4 oz Slippery elm bark powder and 1 oz Turkish rhubarb root powder. Mix together all these ingredients. You will also need one stainless steel pot with a lid, a wooden spoon, amber glass bottles and two gallons of distilled water. Make sure not to use plastic or aluminum containers in the process.

Boil the water in a large stainless steel pot. Pour 8 oz of prepared herbal mixture in, stir, put the lid on and hard boil for ten minutes. Turn the stove off and leave it covered for six hours. Stir, put the lid back and leave for another six hours. After that, bring to boil and strain into another pot, strain again and pour into amber glass bottles while still hot. Put the caps on immediately.

Keep away from sunlight, in some dark cabinet. Never freeze. When you open the bottle, it has to be kept in the refrigerator. During this treatment, it's good to avoid any food that is considered cancer friendly, in the first place carbohydrates and carbonated drinks. White sugar and white flour especially.

Use once a day, on an empty stomach in the morning or before going to sleep. After taking your medicine in the morning, you should not eat for two hours, and if you take it in the evening, make sure to take it at least two hours after your last meal. Every time you should boil four table spoons of distilled water, mix with four table spoons of prepared herbal tea and drink it all at once.

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