Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Financial Stress Do's & Don'ts By Robert Jain

By Jason McDonald

No matter how little or how much we have of it, money can still create problems. For proof of this, all you have to do is consider the topic of financial stress, which many people suffer from. While some experience it more than others, even to the point where it prevents them from living life to the fullest, this doesn't change the fact that it's a serious problem. For a better understanding of how this can be alleviated, here are some do's & don'ts provided by Robert Jain.

DO create goals and organize them properly. This should be done based on difficulty, as some goals are easier to achieve than others. When you think about simple money-saving tips, driving less and buying fewer cups of coffee may spring to mind. These tend to be doable, but loftier endeavors like building emergency accounts are considerably more difficult. Goals must be organized accordingly and names like Bob Jain will tell you the same.

DON'T think that sleep doesn't matter. No matter how capable you think you are, when working off little to no sleep, problems can still arise. A lack of sleep impacts our quality of life in various ways, including the way that we complete work. However, this can become such an issue to the point where we worry about money, which is where financial stress comes into the picture. Needless to say, getting enough sleep each night is recommended.

DO pay off your debts as soon as possible. What are some of the debts that you must cover? Are you a former student with student loans? Do you have multiple credit cards that you have to pay off? Whatever the case may be, understanding the debts in question will help you pay them off sooner, which will make money less of an issue. The sooner that you clear the amounts that you owe, the less you'll experience financial stress.

DON'T overlook what causes stress in the first place. The causes of financial stress vary from person to person. Some people experience it as a result of their job. Others may have events occur in their personal lives that spawned the stress in question. No matter what the case may be, understanding the specific causes of financial stress will allow you to focus on them, thereby potentially allowing you to live a more stress-free life.

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