Saturday, May 19, 2018

How Overcoming A Fear Of Public Speaking Can Help In Motivational Speaking Through Genetic Interpretation

By Virginia Watson

Before one can even begin to start motivating people with the power of spoken word, a few things need to have already been established. Firstly, a person needs to be considered an expert in the said field they wish to imbue others with the knowledge that they possess. Sometimes those who seek to motivate need motivation themselves. Genetic Interpretation can find out the reasons of depression behind anxiety symptoms.

Some very insensitive person may lament that it s all in the head. Even though they wouldn t be wrong it the problem would be bringing a problem to the table without a solution. A possible solution would be to fight fire with fire and try to assist someone with a motivational speaking problem by treating the underlying cause; the inability to speak in public. Solutions to this problem may be addressed in a number of ways.

The first way is to tackle them head-on, pun intended and make use of psychological methods designed to address anxiety and anxiety related issues. The use of cognitive behavioral therapy or CBT can make massive contributions in the fight against anxiety. The therapy makes use of a two-pronged attack that is used to help the sufferer change the way they think about the problem by forcing them to not only think about it but confront it as well.

Once confidence has been built up by the participant of this therapy, they will be exposed to crowds on a gradual basis, helping them to overcome the fear and anxiety that accompanies a phobia like this.

Furthermore, avoidance behaviors can be initiated depending on the severity of the anxiety and a specific problem that presents itself. It still conditions a person to be comfortable with speaking but what is done differently here opposed to other types of therapeutic relief is that triggers that cause the onset of anxiety are avoided at all costs.

But in all honesty, it s not all doom and gloom as all it can take is a few modifications to an accent so that people are able to hear more clearly and not give looks of confusion that may be misinterpreted as anger. Or refine how speeches are presented. This can range from introducing breathing techniques to help one stay calm during a speech or even use it to calm the anxiety that may lurk behind every word.

Failing which, the possibility of performing motivational speeches for a living may not be the best and ideal path to take. Although, it would make a great speech, irony aside. Inspiring people requires a person to be in command of the floor and capture the attention of their audience from the get-go. Which is one of the main problems preventing people to engage and speak with an audience if they battle with public speaking?

Anxiety can be used to good effect but at the same time, it can be debilitating. But most importantly, it s important to remember that there is nothing wrong with seeking help.

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