Thursday, May 24, 2018

Tips On Handling A Job Offer Evaluation Effectively

By Sharon Hamilton

It is exciting when a company makes an irresistible offer to you instead of you looking for the job. Such offers are very tempting and cause employees into accepting without a second thought. While some are rewarding, others lead to regrets several months or even weeks down the line. Experts recommend that you make a job offer evaluation to see the value you stand to get from the deal. Here are elements that will help you identify and safeguard your value.

Thoroughly review the operations of your target employers. The reputation, employee relations, salary scales and the position you are being offered, among others. The work environment should also be of interest alongside facilitation for responsibilities assigned. This ensures that you have full knowledge of what is expected by the time you sign the contract. You will be shielded from tempting offers that hide nasty conditions below.

The motivation for work is the gains you get from the position. Understand clearly what the offer entails in salaries and wages. The salary should be commensurate to the position and the industry. Consider where you are moving into and the lifestyle expected of you. By the end of your expenditure, you should have more than is left in your current position and salary scale. Cost of living affects the balance after all bills have been cleared. The balance must be worth the move.

Are there benefits that are attacked to your new position? What are the terms of your leave? How much are you covered in health insurance? Will you get stocks as compensation? Is pension reasonable? Are you entitled to performance bonuses? What is unique about the payment structure you will get? Add the benefits and ensure that they are worth your move.

The commitment required for your new job is also an incentive to take it up or discouragement. There are positions that are extremely demanding of your time and resources. You might lack the opportunity to advance your education, be with family or even have a social life. What are the terms of working overtime and weekends? With such considerations, you can make a better decision.

What career advancement opportunities that this new position offer? While an offer may be attractive at the moment it may hinder your career growth. There offers that require you to shift from your current industry and begin new life elsewhere. Weigh your options and see the value that a particular position adds to your career progression.

Have you been assigned the value that you deserve? This can be ascertained from the perk that has been offered. This is the tricky part. Though you might have the money you are looking for, it might take away your freedom or even an opportunity to advance your skills. The money may deny you the chance to actualize other dreams or take you away from the important things in life. This value should be viewed in the long term.

Consider the requirements for taking up the new position and what it will take to retain it. Shifts in work places come with inconveniences that should be handled by the employer. If you have to breach the existing contract, there should be a provision for the employer to handle that. Will he also take care of moving costs and other inconveniences occasioned by taking up the new position? Such issues must be addressed in the evaluation.

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