Saturday, November 24, 2018

Robert Jain: How To Save Money On Mass Transit

By Jason McDonald

If you live in the city or any other highly populated area, chances are that you've taken advantage of mass transit a number of times. Whether it's on the train, bus, or what have you, this type of transportation serves the purpose of bringing groups of people to their destinations. It's important to save money on this, though, so that it becomes financially viable to continually ride. Here are a few tips that Robert Jain can provide on the matter.

One of the ways to save money on mass transit, according to names like Bob Jain, is by doing some research beforehand. Believe it or not, depending on where you live, there may be any number of routes that you can take. Some are costlier than others, so knowing the routes that are less expensive by comparison is vital to keeping costs low. As you'll come to learn, a little research in this respect goes a long way.

Next, take advantage of any discounts or offers that exist when it comes to mass transit. If you live in, or are located near, the city, you might have taken the subway a time or two. To keep costs low, why not invest in a metro card? This will help you save money on fare that you would have had to pay otherwise. Additionally, the money that you put on your card will last for an extended period, so you won't be in any hurry to use all of it.

Finally, if you work at a company that provides them, ask about your job's commuter benefits. For those that don't know, many employers can take one's pre-tax money before it's applied to the aforementioned benefits. These are designed to help save employees money when traveling by train or bus. While this is most useful for those that work in the city, virtually anyone can take advantage of them if they travel often.

For those that use mass transit on a routine basis, there's a good chance that you've been looking for ways to save money. This isn't as challenging as it seems, though, especially with pointers like the ones covered earlier in mind. Furthermore, these apply to everyone, whether they're traveling for business or personal reasons. Even the slightest amount of planning can make a difference from a financial standpoint. The more effort that you put into saving money on this type of transit, the easier that you may find it to be.

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