Sunday, January 13, 2019

How To Release Emotion And Feel Happy

By Eric Gibson

It is impossible to avoid negative emotions in life. Unfortunately, these emotions leave you grounded by sucking all your energy and taking away the ability to make the right decisions. Such situations can be avoided when you find tricks on how to release emotion and negativity. This should be done in a positive way that does not get you into more trouble.

Take deep breaths. It is recommended that you take the breaths at a peaceful place that is also cool. However, you can do it at any location where you feel the surge of negativity. You will feel instant relief without going through the rigors of meditation. It supplies your lungs with a flood of oxygen that results in an energy surge. The psychological idea is to breathe in positivity and out negativity.

Track your negative emotions and anxiety using a journal. Whenever you feel like something is not right, you should note it down. Include the place, context and people around. You should also capture what has happened for you to feel the negative emotions. This awakens your consciousness so that you can avoid such situations in future.

Distract yourself from the situation you are in. In most cases, people feel the surge of emotions when they sit still and are lost in thoughts. Kick away the idleness by focusing on something else. Engage your hands, take a walk, start a conversation, begin playing a musical instrument and such other activities that will take your mind away from the thoughts.

Workout or exercise to chase away negative feeling. This should not just be done when you feel anxious. Exercises keep blood flowing to all parts of the body and supplying necessary nutrients. This will result in a lot of positivity. There is also resilience that comes with exercising body muscles. Exercises have also been known to relief pain and unblock trapped energy. Exercises get you fired up to kick out negativity and ensure that blood flows to all parts of your body.

Take a walk to blow some steam. Still mode is a perfect way to raise emotions. By walking, you will get to such places as a park or to the beach where the atmosphere is relaxing. The relaxation and positivity in such places rubs on you. You can shed off the negative thoughts when the sun hits your skin or as the slow falls. There are a lot of inspiring encounters when you are out on a walk.

Do that which you love most and gets you in high spirits. It could be that cup of coffee, long shower, dance or music, among others. These activities will boost your energy level and also distract your mind off the anxious thoughts.

Smile. This is the easiest way to shed off anxiety and the negative emotions. The smile does not have to be about anything in particular but it will change your life. Sleep also works for some people alongside talking to your friend to share how you feel. This causes instant change of emotions. You have numerous options that will boost your morale.

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