Tuesday, February 26, 2019

A Historical Overview Of Tarot Card Readings

By Christopher Hill

Tarot cards originated as far back as 1440 in Italy with the original 22 cards of the Major Arcana when the first deck appeared. In most cases, the Italian decks were called "Visconti Trumps" and are often considered the forefathers of the decks which are now available. Whereas, readers often now use a number of different decks to gain as much insight out of tarot card readings as possible.

Rumor has it that these cards were originally designed and created for Nobles. Whereas, it was centuries later in which the cards once again became popular. It was at this point and time when tarot cards were first used as tools of divination.

It was long after the cards had become standardized in France during the eighteenth century that the cards once began became popular. For, before that time, those whom played the Trumps could often decide to substitute, exclude or discard cards as needed. As such, the Tower, Death and Devil cards were often thrown out because of rumors the cards allowed the Devil to steal the souls of the people who played with them.

It was not so much the implied meaning of the cards but the imagery which led to this belief among religious zealots and leaders. In fact, at one point religious leaders attempted to banish the Trumps. A sermon provided by a Friar sometime in the mid-1400s suggested that the Trump cards were tied to the Devil and that the cards were created and named by the demon.

Even when just using the cards for simple game play, the Friar suggested those whom did so were worshiping Satan and turning away from the light. As such, the sermon condemned the cards as being part and parcel to the act of Satanism. As it turned out, the cards were never banned, while psychic and tarot readings became more popular over the centuries.

Tarot readings and the use of decks for divination was in large part brought about by Antoine Court de Gebelin in the late 1700s. For, de Gebelin believed the cards to be of Egyptian origin while containing knowledge of Egyptian mystical lore. In addition, Antoine believed that the imagery was intentionally included and placed on specific cards in association with this lore and wisdom. For, unlike the Friar, Antoine saw no connection between tarot and Satan.

In theory, de Gebelin believed that the cards were keys to the lost magical wisdom of the Egyptians, originally written by Thoth, the Egyptian God associated with written knowledge. It was from this point that the Major Arcana began to evolve into cards which would later be changed by secret societies which produced a number of decks. Whereas, there are now a number of artists, mediums, psychics and spiritualists whom have designed custom decks which are now being read around the globe.

In the beginning of tarot, regular playing cards were often used as a means of separating the suits. Whereas, later there were several decks which only used the Trumps or Major Arcana. Whereas, there are so many different creators and decks available now that it can often be difficult for readers to know which one to choose. While this is the case, as most readers believe cards should be a gift rather than purchased, the decision is often made by someone other than the reader.

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