Friday, February 15, 2019

The Various Christian Churches Henderson NV

By Andrew Wallace

There are over a billion Christians in the world. Some of the most Christian nations include the United States of America, Brazil, Mexico, Italy, and the Philippines. Every year, millions of people usually convert to Christianity all over the world. Christianity is expanding at a rate that has never been seen before even in places such as the Peoples Republic of China and Saudi Arabia. There is no religion on earth that has ever had a global positive impact like Christianity. Many great emperors tried to stop Christianity but they failed miserably. Thousands of Americans usually attend Christian churches Henderson NV.

Christianity just like many religions out there is denominational. In Islam, there are two major denominations. They are Shiite and Sunni Islam. In Christianity, the denominations include Catholicism, Protestantism, and Orthodox Christianity. It is important to remember that a Christian believer does not have to be denominational. As a matter of fact, there are very many non-denominational churches on planet earth.

One of the earliest churches to be established in the Western hemisphere was the Roman Catholic Church. Later, there was the Russian Orthodox Church. All these churches were formed in the continent of Europe. The conversion of the Roman Emperor Constantine to Christianity paved way for the start of the Roman Catholic Church. Before that, the Roman Empire was pagan.

Catholicism has a formidable presence on earth. There is no continent that does not have Catholics. It is the most popular church with over a billion followers. Some of the most Catholic nations in the world are found in North, Central, and South America. Catholicism has a hierarchy. At the apex, there is the position of the pope. Cardinals choose the Pope.

There is also the Baptist Church. This is part of Protestantism. At first, there was only the Catholic Church. After some time, the Great Reformation took place because many people had grievances against Catholicism. That led to the formation of a number of Protestant churches including the Lutheran Church as well as the Baptist Church of the United Kingdom.

The Baptist Church might have started in the United Kingdom. However, it gained traction in America. In fact, most of the founding fathers of America were Baptists. It is a well known fact all over the world that America is a Christian nation in every sense and respect. However, there is still freedom of religion in this beautiful country.

If there is a group of people who have had the most profound impact in Christianity then it is the Americans. That is because American missionaries have spread the great gospel of the Holy Bible to all the corners of the earth. Americans have also started many churches such as the Mormon Church and the Seventh Day Adventist Church (SDA). Adventists usually go to church on Saturday.

Humans have to make decisions on a daily basis. Failure to make a decision is making a decision in itself. Life cannot be lived without decisions. It is decisions that shape the future of a person as well as the fate of a nation. Some decisions are life changing. The decision to be a born again Christian believer will change the life of a person for the better.

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