Saturday, March 16, 2019

An Insight Into The Making And Processing Of Stabilized Wood

By Paul Thomas

Wood-turners hold every scrap of these substances in their shops due to its scarcity and expensive nature. However, some of them throw away pieces that look too soft because they have no idea of how they can be turned. From the furniture industry, different commercialized planks that are stabilized are available whereby any carpenter can easily stabilize them hence saving costs of obtaining them. This article takes a look into the preparation of stabilized wood and its many advantages.

Carpenters may not know that what they are using has undergone some stabilization until you tell them. To understand the entire process, you have to know what stabilization is. It is the process of hardening soft wood materials by using resins. These blanks are boiled in pots that are heated using vacuuming machines as you are about to find out.

For a good stabilization process, you ought to prepare the blanks by ensuring that they are dry. Wet blanks are difficult to stabilize. For easy verification of moisture content in timber, you may use a moisture meter. The best rate of moisture in each blank should be below 10% for a successful process. In case the moisture level is too high, you can reduce it by hastening the drying process where the blanks are roughly cut and placed on drying racks.

Once all the blanks are dry as required, you can now start stabilizing them. The procedure needs a correct kit which includes stainless steel pots, anti-float plates, a vacuum generator and an inner chamber. All the blanks should place in an inner chamber that will be filled with adequate resin and later submerged together for some time. Use of this apparatus will leave your timber in a natural state after strengthening it for different carpentry needs.

For a complete stabilization and resin penetration, you should leave them to boil for not less than 30 minutes. After these minutes, you can carefully open the pot while wearing protective gears to prevent burns from the high moisture. A good indicator that blanks have been soaked completely will be their non-presence at the top of your mixture. The process can be repeated if you find them flowing on top. Cleaning the pots is a must to avoid gumming of the materials on its sides.

The soaking process does not mean that the blanks are ready for use. They must be cured to ensure that they do not have some loopholes. Curing is done on ovens or toasters which can disseminate temperatures of about 200 degrees. Dry them on this apparatus for some minutes until no moisture can be traced. For a safe cure, you ought to wrap each blank when drying it at the oven.

Carpenters and other woodwork professionals may not prefer this method from lack of enough capital. Several mechanisms of stabilizing timber exist and you can use any that seems easy and cheaper to you. For instance, a wood hardener is used in stabilizing blanks where after sanding it, you apply the substance using a brush.

Business people try every trick to increase their profit margins and win over their competitors. The rising prices of timber should not alter your business chances when you can make your own stabilized blanks. Make use of the highlighted steps in saving costs and producing the best pieces.

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