Friday, March 1, 2019

Choosing A Bible Believing Baptist Church Coward

By Michelle Turner

The Bible is one of the world's bestselling books. Over five billions Bibles have been printed since the beginning of the modern day printing press. The Bible is available in over four hundred languages making it the most translated book on earth. The Holy Bible is right at the center of Christianity. That is the reason why a true Christian in Coward, South Carolina, should make sure that he is attending a Bible based Baptist church Coward. This is a church that will make a person to be a better Christian at the end of the day.

A Bible based Baptist Church is the best congregation to join if one resides in the United States of America or any other country for that matter. Such a congregation will not mislead a believer but will lead a person in the path of righteousness. Without the Holy Bible, a Christian congregation is dead in the pit. It is just but another dead church out there.

Dead churches are ruining the moral fabric of America. These are churches that have totally removed focus on Scripture. Some of these churches have alerted Biblical messages to suit their way of life and thinking. Without the Bible as the cornerstone, there is totally no reason to have a Christian congregation in the first place. The Scripture is a sure and trusted foundation.

Every believer should always be armed with his Bible. It is the only sword that a believer can have. Many spiritual wars have been won because of the Bible. The war that a Christian faces on a daily basis is not physical in any way. It is a war that involves spiritual dominions and principalities. It is a dangerous war.

A true Christian will read his Bible on a daily basis so that to be able to grow in faith with every passing day. He will also pray without ceasing so that to overcome the temptations of life. The Christian walk is not easy. Therefore, the believer should always have a Bible at hand so that to obtain much needed help.

The Holy Bible has two major sections. These are the Old and New Testament. The Old Testament represents the old covenant. On the other hand, the New Testament represents the new covenant that Christians are currently operating in. This is the covenant of grace. Actually, this is the age of grace. The human race needs to take advantage of that fact.

The best form of Bible study involves studying one Bible book at a time. After completing one book, one should go to another book. One does not have to choose the books to study in any order. He can do that in random. The gospel books such as Mathew and John are of particular important in Christianity.

There are thousands of churches in the United States of America. They can be classified into two broad categories. These are Catholic and Protestant churches. Protestantism and Catholicism do not conflict each other. Actually, they complement each other because they have plenty of similarities. Whether one is a Catholic or a Protestant, the bottom line is that these are all part of Christianity.

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