Monday, September 30, 2013

Could WWE Performance Center Utilize Adventure Racing?

By Robbie Sutter

It's important to build upon the future of wrestling and this is what has been kept in mind the moment that the WWE Performance Center opened its doors to the public. I believe that there's so much potential to be seen here and talent is going to be built from the ground up, in some cases. Not only are they going to be better workers in the ring but more effective in terms of speaking, too. Is it possible for adventure racing to come into effect as well?

One of first aspects I looked at in terms of the Performance Center was how it was able to cover all different aspects of wrestling. It's not just strength that is looked at, either, as it appears as though speed and finesse alike have come together in order to bring the best results to the forefront. When you're in front of many people, though, being able to talk comfortably holds importance. Without this trait being seen, connection with the crowd is not going to be attained.

Do not make any mistake about it; training grounds are not exactly new concepts. In fact, it's clear that the Performance Center has been built upon the foundation of past facilities only with far greater technology behind it. It seems like there is a much more substantial budget behind it, whether you're looking at multiple rings to work within or a recording studio for the sake of cutting interviews. As you can see, talent has more at their disposal than ever before, meaning that results are more likely to come about.

How exactly can adventure racing come into play, you may wonder? Well, take a moment to look at just how many stars are not only able to perform with strength on their side but speed as well. Not many performers are able to be called up to television unless they are able to prove themselves as well-rounded workers, meaning that every facet of their physical and mental abilities have to be honed. Events along the lines of Spartan Race may be able to assist from both standpoints.

I believe strongly in WWE's future as long as the Performance Center remains running for the foreseeable future. It's the kind of training ground that is needed for men and women alike to hone their craft so that they will be better once it comes time to go onto television. Talent, for so long, has been brought onto the scene without the necessary seasoning that is required of top-caliber talent. WWE has changed this up and I think that it's a better company because of it.

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