Saturday, September 28, 2013

Create Fun Living Spaces With Coca Cola Fabric

By Marla Mills

When choosing to remodel kitchens, bathrooms, or entertainment rooms it can be difficult to come up with the perfect theme. Not only should it be lively, and fun, but also employ design principals. One of the best ways to update is by keeping many of the same accessories, and just adding to, or replacing some of them. One of the best ways to do this by by using coca cola fabric to create crafts and accessories that will assist in creating new and interesting living spaces.

Those who plan to use novelty material to hand-make kitchen curtains, pillow cushions or pictures should keep in mind that materials will be found in both vintage and modern styles. For collectors that may have other vintage signs, or are modeling themes in a particular era it's best to choose vintage fabrics. They may be a little harder to find, but can be easily located through auction sites on the Internet.

Mixing modern with vintage is also a good way of decorating and having fun with the style. Pillows and curtains may need a pattern. Look in craft stores, and seek online resources for these. Unique era photos can also be used, and are extremely easy to find online.

Implementing a personal touch into pillows not only help to update a room, but also serve as wonderful keepsakes. Using an old photo album of family members era transfers can be made that not only entertain, but will remind family of another era in their lives. If choosing this method, choose a solid material, use iron transfers and accentuate by sewing themed ruffles on the pillows.

Pictures can be made very simply with novelty material and themed photos by using a picture frame, and attaching fabric to a cardboard piece, glue any desired pictures on the fabric and enclose behind the glass frame. Once the material and pattern is selected for pictures, pillows, and curtains think about other items that might be included to update the home. Coca-cola themes usually include steel kitchen appliances, use of rod iron or wood cabinets, and shelves.

For instance, neon signs can be included, canisters, and vintage baskets, figurines, collected bottles and themed shelves can be used. Candy machines, other vintage signs, and even old juke boxes can be included. Themed throw pillows, vintage lights, and old model cars are also good items to include. Country themes can be mixed to employ old figurines, vintage dishes, and antique furniture.

There many fun, entertaining ways to decorate using this vintage theme. It will not only update the look but will make an entirely new living experience. Bedrooms and bathrooms sometimes employ this theme as well.

With a little creativity, effort, and by employing tenants of craft making it's easy to update a tired look with a fun, entertaining theme. By using coca cola fabric classic era pictures can be made. Pillows can also be created or accentuated with themed materials and personal photos.

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