Sunday, September 29, 2013

Finding The Best Radon Services

By Marla Mills

Recently there has been a tremendous amount of publicity about the dangers of environmental pollutants. Many people are now very careful about the items and products they bring into their home. However, there is a danger that cannot be seen and has no smell. Radon is a gas that is present in most parts of the country. Yet many people are still unaware of the dangers it presents and do not know when to bring in expert radon services.

Families with young children should be particularly aware of the dangers of this natural gas. It often accumulates in basements and anyone who plans to finish their basement as additional living areas or as a playroom should have a test done. The test is very affordable and easy to perform. Usually a licensed technician brings a specially designed canister to the property. This is then left in an out of the way spot for a few days. The technician then retrieves the canister and reads the gas levels.

Some areas of the country are well known for their high levels of radon gas. This is because of the different types of bedrock. The gas is produced naturally as the rock breaks down, it is typically released into the atmosphere and presents no danger. It is only when it has the opportunity to build up that is becomes dangerous.

There are plenty of companies who specialize in treating radon problems. The first step is to find out the levels in a home or building. This is done simply by placing a special canister in the lowest part of the home. Basements are the area that often has the highest readings. As the gas escapes the ground it can slowly seep into the basement. If the owners do not open the doors and windows regularly the gas levels can build up to dangerous levels.

A concerned home owner can now buy their own testing kit in one of the many home improvement stores. These tests kits are very reasonably priced and do tend to give fairly accurate results. If a high reading occurs the next step should be to bring in a professional and have the test repeated. A mitigation plan can then be discussed that offers the best option for each individual home or business.

For many years people have been underestimating the dangers of radon gas. It is currently estimated to be the second leading cause of lung cancer in humans. Although most people understand that the gas is emitted from rock, most do not realize it can also be leaching from common building materials. Concrete floors and dry wall are very typical sources of gas in high rise building and offices.

In hotter places the technicians usually work with an air conditioning contractor. One of the problems of bringing in outside air is that it can be very humid, leading to additional problems with mold. Mold can be a very serious health problem and should also be taken seriously.

Before hiring any radon services it is important to check the credentials of the company. They should have many years experience in the business and offer prompt and courteous service.

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