Monday, December 16, 2013

Things You Need To Know If You Are Taking Up Organic Gardening

By Johnathan Black

There are as many types of gardeners as there are types of gardens, but no matter what your gardening style is, there are certain things every garden has in common and certain ideas will apply to all gardening. Here are some tips that are relevant for all gardeners and many types of gardens.

When the vegetable season is over, grow a shoulder season crop if possible. Fruits like strawberries or raspberries bear fruit very early or very late in the season before or after the summer vegetable crops take over and can be planted. Raspberries can be planted to bear fruit in the fall and strawberries can be planted to bear fruit in the spring.

Slide your fingernails against a bar of soap to prevent dirt from getting under your nails. The dirt doesn't necessarily hurt you, but you will save time and effort when cleaning your hands later. Instead of having to dig underneath your nails, you can just use a nailbrush to quickly remove the soap residue.

Before planting anything, clean up as much as possible the area where you plan on having flowers or any other delicate plants. Remove all the weeds and the grass if you think it is necessary. Your flowers should not have any competitors for the nutrients they need while they grow.

When it is spring and time to plant, do you have a hard time remembering what your gardens looked like the year before so that you know where to plant your new bulbs? This year, take pictures of your spring garden, and in the fall have a look at them. If you see a place in the yard that is bare and in need of a new daffodil, you can be confident on where to plant the new bulbs!

Be sure to water a tomato patch no more than once every five to seven days. However, when you do water, be sure to give the ground a thorough soaking. Tomatoes do best if the soil is wet deeply, unlike many plants which prefer a light misting more often. Also, be sure to water the ground, not the plants.

Any garden and gardener can benefit from these tips, whether your ideal garden is huge or tiny, whether you prefer flowers or vegetables, whether you like exotic plants or native plants. With this advice in your gardening tool shed, your gardening skills might improve so much that all your gardener friends will want to know your secrets.

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