Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Different Types Of Indoor Office Plants

By Essie Osborn

You will find a variety of indoor plant but it is not an easy task to take care for them on a regular basis. You must consider some important things before purchasing any indoor office plants. You must make a decision appropriately and the best suitable decision is that choose only those varieties that can be easily taken care of and are common in the market.

Pothos is regarded as an easy caring plant ordinarily known as Epipremnum Aureum. They are extraordinary indoor plants as they need least measure of support. They might be set in hanging crate simply close to the primary entryway of your office. These plants obliges a lot of brilliant indoor light and regular watering no other kind of upkeep is obliged whatsoever.

There are few assortments of plants that don't oblige successive watering or regulate light whatsoever. Such plants are perfect to be kept in a simple consideration office environment as they can survive even without any legitimate upkeep whatsoever. Likewise, they have to be treated less frequently which is an alternate preference.

One of the plant that is very easy to care for and can be kept in dark areas as well is the Peace Lilly. It is also known by the name Spathiphyllum and it is very unique in its shape. It can grow up to 4 feet tall and it blooms straight up. Although, you don't need to water them during the colder months but during summers, they should be watered daily.

Another beautiful plant, often used to decorate offices is called Rubber Plant, the scientific name for this plant is Ficus Elastica. It does not need strong light and it can easily survive for a couple of days without water throughout the winter months. It looks exceptionally beautiful because of the thick leaves and they also sparkle. You will need to trim these plants regularly because they can reach the height of 6 feet.

There are a few types of cactus that can be kept indoors. Cactus is a plant of dessert so even if it is place in an office environment. They require very less maintenance. It is easy for them to survive without water for a long period of time. Also, no frequent fertilization is required at all. Although, fertilization is not required but you need to use a pest control spray.

One other popular indoor plant is the Mother in Law's tongue, also known by the name Snake Plant. Because its a low maintenance plant therefore you can keep it without caring for it even for a long period of time. Just plant it in a pot of your choice and you can leave it on its own from couple of days to couple of months.

Regardless of the fact that a plant requires low upkeep, if you have time, you should inspect them as regularly as possible. You need to verify that they are not infected by any sort of disease or bugs.

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