Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Fun And Easy To Learn Silk Ribbon Embroidery Makes A Great Hobby

By Essie Osborn

Learning a needle-craft is an enjoyable way to fill in time and it can result in some beautiful hand-made projects one can proudly show off. A modern spin on a traditional stitching technique, silk ribbon embroidery gracefully combines delicate ribbon and colorful embroidery floss in an artful and creative way that adds a whimsical charm to any clothing item or household decorative piece.

It consists of several simple stitches which are not confusing like some other kinds of needlework, so even children should have no problem getting the hang of it. People who learn this technique can master it in a relatively short time, and most will follow their projects through to completion because of this.

How one chooses to learn this method of embroidery depends on his or her personal preference and learning style since it is taught in a variety of ways. One may attend a sewing class, learn from an instructional guide, or watch an online video tutorial which shows each step being done and can be played back if necessary until one gets the concept.

The first step is to select a pattern, simpler designs are recommended for beginners. Next, one will need to assemble all necessary supplies required to complete the project. Specific patterns will list the specific colors of thread which are needed, but others can be substituted if desired. Generally the following are necessary an embroidery hoop, tracing paper, marking pencils, small, sharp scissors, pincushion, embroidery floss, and silk ribbon, the 4 millimeter size is most commonly used.

The most suitable type of needle for this kind of stitching is the chenille needle, which has a larger eye, making them easy to thread, and also have sharp tips. If beaded embellishments are added, a size 12 beading or long applique needle will be best. Having several needles already threaded with the colors needed will make things easier than threading one needle each time another color is called for.

Most types of fabric can be used, provided they allow a needle to pass through. A larger needle, likely a size 13, may be necessary if sewing with thicker material. Knits are very stretchy and may be easier to work with if some interfacing is sewn onto their wrong side. Authentic silk ribbon is superior to synthetic types, because it is more flexible and has a nicer appearance.

Cleaning of completed projects must be done with caution in order to not spoil them. The silk ribbon should always be pre-washed prior to use, because the dyes it contains tend to bleed. If this is done, it should be safe to wash embroidered items in cold water with mild soap. Ironing, if needed, must be done on low heat and with minimal pressure.

People of all ages, both male and female have found this lovely handicraft a pleasure to learn and enjoy being able to express themselves in this creative way. Some will give their projects to others as cherished gifts or keep them for their own pleasure. One nice thing about this technique is that it's very easy to correct mistakes as well.

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