Monday, April 28, 2014

Troubleshooting For Sewing Machine Electronic Foot Controls

By Eloise Hewitt

Living in this world that puts emphasis on originality and creativity, it is not really surprising to know that more and more individuals are considering creating their own ensembles. Be it for creating outfits to be worn during work, events or parties, sewing definitely has advantages. One of the perks in creating your own attire is that you can be assured that you will be the only one wearing it. There is nothing more embarrassing, especially for ladies, than finding someone who wore the exact same attire as you did. Designing your own garb is also a positive outlet for all that trapped creativity and imagination inside you. Also, since you make your own clothes, this hobby can also help you save on your clothing finances. There are a lot more reasons to consider this hobby, but for sure you all know them by heart.

And now, here you are, another starry eyed fan of the many wonders of sewing. You want to find out if you can create ensembles that would make fashion labels make a mad dash for their money. You picture yourself as the new fashion mogul that everyone will be envious of, so you set out to buy a machine and decided on investing your money on sewing machine electronic foot controls.

A foot control regulates the sewing speed. It functions exactly like a gas pedal on a car. The more pressure you apply onto the pedal, the faster it runs.

This particular part of your sewing machine can make your activities run more smoothly, but it can also give you problems. For example, you suddenly realize that you foot controller is getting hot the longer you step on it. While it is just common for these things to get hot, you may have noticed that your pedal gets hotter than it usually does in a lesser span of time. You may think about buying a new one, but before you do, you may as well consider a few things.

See if your foot pedal is clean. Over time, dust and dust can accumulate inside, causing it to stop working. Make it a habit to clean it so as to avoid having this problem.

Check your speed as well. You may be going too slow and stepping on the control more. This causes it to get hot faster. Also, release the pedal completely when you stop.

Look out for defective wires. They may not be conducting electricity as well as they used to. You can try unplugging to see if this would help.

Seek out professional advice. The best thing to do is to go to your dealer. You will be able to save money on repairs especially if you have your device fixed within its warranty period. Most brands have a warranty period of two years on their products.

You can also ask help from friends in the same circles who may have experienced the same foot controller problems. Remember, sewing is a growing hobby. There are a lot of people whom you can just go to seek the solution to your problem. The earlier you do something about it, the lesser time you can spend worrying.

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