Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Using DIY Woodworking Projects To Decorate Your Home

By Kerri Stout

There are a few things that people do that give them pleasure. One of them could be working on their cars to the exclusion of anything else. One of them could be collecting stamps. One of the many others things that many people do which actually helps in decorating the home is working with wood. DIY woodworking projects are something that everyone can do with just a little preparation.

There are many different things that can be made with a few pieces of wood. One of the first things to consider is a table to build more things on. A simple table can be constructed out of free wood, such a those found in scrap piles in an industrial area. Those pallets can be taken apart and hammered together with a basic four legs, table top and some cross pieces to ensure a supportive base.

Just getting started out in wood working, you will find the basic tools are probably in your garage already. You will need a hammer, some nails of differing lengths and a hand saw. A drill is something that helps you keep things neat. A couple of wood chisels is absolutely necessary for many problems you encounter when getting to work.

Decisions must be made about what types of woods you will be using. Each project can call for different types and learning about them is important. Many people prefer the harder woods, with their tighter grin pattern, for the fine furniture they want. Some of the softer woods can be used for budget purposes and finishing them properly can still make an impressive piece.

You might actually start with a simple tool box. This is something that everyone needs when embarking on this hobby. It is a simple to construct item, with no set dimensions. You build it with pieces of wood that are lying around and make it so it holds everything you have to work with. Another scrap wood project is the shelving you will need to hold paint and other supplies for your new endeavor.

The coffee and end tables that can be made to decorate your home presents an endless number of things that can be made. These are simple items and, with the right plans, glass can be inserted and make them an easy way to display art pieces from kids. Most things, when you think about it, can be made in your newly appointed wood shop and, possibly, made to be sold at garage sales.

Plans are what are needed for most projects. For example, that shed you are thinking of along with a nice hutch for your dining room, will need some plan that sets down the measurements so everything will come out right. Companies offering these plans will have to be found and there are a number of them on the Internet and some local shops as well.

The companies who offer these plans can help you succeed in this hobby. You will want to find those firms that list all of the materials needed for each project and what tools will be needed. Supplies as well as an image that shows what it should look like will also be beneficial. Matching the images with what you want to decorate your home will get you on the right track and improve your homes look and feel.

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