Sunday, January 25, 2015

An Overview On Dealing With Insecurities In A Relationship

By Janine Hughes

There are many concepts that can be understood worldwide but when it comes to love it is a whole different story. Once in a while a relationship must experience some form of insecurities. It is when it becomes too much that it is considered that that relationship might be on the ropes. This insecurities result into unnecessary anxiety. Provided that one steers themselves well when dealing with insecurities in a relationship, your marriage or engagement might just endure the storm and remain intact.

First the notion that the whole world revolves around your doorstep is one of the causes of insecurities. Self-centered behaviors result into trivial misunderstandings resulting into serious problems. When your partners refuse to eat, there are those who readily assume it might be an indirect criticism of their cooking probably.

Instead of forming such baseless conclusions based on perceptions and not facts, one should consider that probably they had a rough day and lost their appetite altogether. Those who do not feel secure enough develop the habit of constantly over analyzing whatever their partner does or says. This creates animosity.

Jealousy is a gradual breaker of many relationships. For a relationship to remain healthy and thrive, one of the key pillars should be trust. As soon as proper ways of addressing insecurities are adopted and the situation addressed, levels of trust shall accordingly improve.

People are different on the ways they deal with different situations. A good idea is joining health or fitness programs. Chill out with peers, work colleagues or going shopping at the mall too. As long as the mind is preoccupied on subjects that bring joy its kept distracted from the unnecessary anxiety.

Some of the signs of such a situation developing are when one hears the other saying that they need some space. In some cases your partner may ask you why you keep asking about their whereabouts after every few hour intervals. These insecure people tend to fill every moment that silence prevails with some words that they need not say.

Fear can arise out of one scared of undergoing rejection on the end of their relationship. Having this feelings are usually natural for any person. However thinking the worst of your situation does not make the situation any better and puts you in an unnecessary yoke. At times the main cause of the contention might be a really bad mood. There are several causes that might bring about a dampening in your moods.

It is usually advisable for those who were at a previously disastrous relationship to consider some time off before going into another one. There are times that the baggage carried from the past explodes and makes the person difficult to relate and communicate to. The affected individual is always living in the fear of being replicated the same thing in their marriage. This fear of the unknown makes you always suspicious of your partner resulting into a lot of friction between the two of you. If there is an issue that requires clarification for you to be satisfied, avoid confrontation but rather quietly approach your partner.

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