Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Clean Air Using Oxygen Membrane

By Janine Hughes

Injection of purer oxygen into any production process results in efficiency and higher levels of production. Even the slightest boost produces excellent results. The use of oxygen membrane in micro vacuum blowers of most high end air conditioning equipment is testimony to the value of this technology. It raises the purity levels of the air and at the same time ensures that there is no over concentration.

The use of air separation membranes results in self contained units that are very efficient for use in certain operation environments. They facilitate uninterrupted operation where a lot of attention is not required. The systems also do not require filtration tanks which reduce their size and expands areas where they can be used.

Each operation environment is unique which has prompted the market to deliver unique products. In a biomass and bio gas environment, PRISM membranes are used. Their use enhances the economic value of methane produced during biomass processes. There are customized designs for such uses.

The popularity of prism membranes has been growing over the years. This has been confirmed through a number of tests. Comparing the membrane with other technologies used to perform the same functions, they are cost effective and will lead to huge financial relief.

Prism membranes present an option that is easily scalable. This means that small firms can use smaller units and expand over time without incurring huge expenses. With the light weight and compact nature of these materials, they can be used in a number of environments. The maintenance needs and attention on surfaces using such membranes is minimal. It saves both time and money without affecting performance.

The membranes are devoid of moving parts. This makes them stable for different environments. They are conveniently deployed in remote environments which expands their potential. Their performance is not affected by harsh environmental condition. This reduces the need for constant attention and close management.

Separation membranes provide an environmentally friendly option and therefore are ideal for use in industrial processes. The technology used is innovative and sustainable. Using this technology, oxidation and separation can be performed in the same unit. The membranes are very selective which enhances their performance across different environments. The ultra thin nature expands the areas or environments where these membranes can be used.

Some of the materials used during manufacture of oxygen separation membranes are Ruddlesden, perovskites and fluorites. These elements are stable and do not react with a large number of surfaces. This makes them idea for different environments because they are devoid of disintegration.

The environment of use determines the basic design or a membrane. Among the options available is the ceramic design with has several layers and is the best for sintering air. The fabric design prevents mismatch in air expansion, a sensitive behavior in certain production environments. Robust membranes are used on metallic surfaces because prevent co-sintering.

Oxygen separation is an environmentally friendly energy production and power generation process. Its application in industrial processes leads to sustainable development. Improved efficiency helps to reduce production cost while at the same time expanding your profit margins.

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