Wednesday, January 28, 2015

What Are The Factors That Influence The Nitrogen Generator Price?

By Janine Hughes

Usually, there are no fixed prices for the nitrogen generators since it is affected by many factors, the main being the industrial price of the gases. Some of the factors to look at in the nitrogen generator price include the application, the size, and the type. As a rule of the thumb, a generator that achieves 70% utilization factor should be able to pay for itself in a period of two years or less. The generation process should also be able to tolerate some level of oxygen. Last, the cost may also be influenced by factors such as the proximity to the gas plant and the volume consumed.

As such, the sellers should quote an accurate estimate of the overall cost within two hours after the request, basing on the variables and the buyer's preferences. The factors such as oxygen toleration, the proximity of the gas plant and the required volume to be generated must also be considered.

Generally though, the generators can be broadly categorized into three. These are the small flow, the medium size, and the large flow. The small flow generators have a price range from $3,000 to $20,000. The medium flow goes for $20,000 to $100,000 and the large flow for anything above $100,000. However, these are just estimates and it is possible to get a quote above or below the said range.

The size or the capacity happens to be the major determinant of the overall cost. There are three major categories, the small size (small flow), the medium size (medium flow) and the large size or large flows. On average, the price range for small flow is $3,000 to $20,000. For the medium flow, the range is $20,000 to $100,000. Lastly, the large flow will normally go for anything above $100,000.

Other installations like the oxygen analyzer and pressure boosters also influence the overall cost. The process is so critical that the oxygen level has to be monitored all the time. In some cases, a pressure level exceeding 200 psig may be necessary. This calls for a booster for elevating the pressure level to meet the requirements.

The other feature is feed air compressors that come in when the client do not have compressed air or enough pressure for air compressing. The dedicated air compressor further increases the cost. In addition to this, there is the compressed air dryer. In all cases, whether for PSA or membrane, dry compressed air has to be used.

A dedicated air dryer installation may be necessary in case the air quality does not meet the required standards. The last feature is the Skid Mount Packages that are advisable for the clients who need a plug and play operation.

Nitrogen generator is a very wise investment, thus promises to recover the cost of investment within a year or two. It is important that the buyer takes time and only invest in a high quality machine. There are experts that can help in the selection process, and even in the installations. As such, a lot of considerations in regards to the environmental factors and the unique preferences of the client determine the overall cost of the nitrogen generator.

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