Sunday, February 22, 2015

Learn To Plant Deer Food Plots In The Northern US

By Olivia Cross

Hunters take a lot of time to prepare for the season in hopes of attracting an abundance of deer. Across the nation, folks spend much time, energy, and money to plant deer food plots that will hopefully attract a large number of white tails. There are some hunters that are more successful than other ones. Half the battle is making sure you have the correct information for your specific region.

It is important to know what plants are appropriate to your area climate during the time of deer hunting season. If you live in an area that experiences early frost or drought, these conditions can destroy the food plots you worked so hard to develop. When the plots are created correctly they can deliver some remarkable results.

To determine what type of planting is best for you, choose the appropriate plan that pertains to your area. For instance, if you are in the Toledo, OH area you are considered to be in the Northern section of the country. The focus will therefore be on the type of food plots appropriate to this section of the US. Keep in mind that trial and error and personal experience will also play a role in your success.

Begin by choosing your seeds. It is vital to match the seeds to the area. There is an abundance of seed choices offered for this type of planting. It is important that you understand the blends available. Not all plant types are alike and it is best to choose a combination that can stand up to the pressure of grazing. When done properly you will have a successful feeding and hunting area all season.

In the northern region, frost is a huge worry for hunters when planting. Due to this concern it is better to choose the products that can tolerate frost. By selecting seeds that will resist the cold and snowy winter climate you will be successful in your planting. Using heartier seeds will enable you to provide food throughout the hunting season.

A traditional oat product will be demolished come the first hard frost. However, purchasing the special blends that are created to tolerate frost will help. Even though the blends are able to stand up to frost, some areas of the north country experience such deep freezes the plants will be destroyed.

To provide continued feeding capability up to the first frost, use a mix that contains turnips, sugar beets, and carrots. The frost will kill the greens and the deer can continue to feed on their roots. The white tails will still be drawn to the food plot to eat.

Each mix has specific requirements for planting. While clover can tolerate a lower soil ph, alfalfa must be planted in soil with a high ph. For this reason, it is vital that you test your soil before you plant. When you are selecting your seeds make certain that you have enough for the acreage you want to cover. In addition to the planting the correct seed, it is very important to find the best location that will offer the most favorable conditions for growing.

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