Saturday, February 28, 2015

Why The Office Plants Chicago Florists Offer Is A Good Idea

By Olivia Cross

Plants are a nice thing to have around. They look nice in a vase or a pot, but they do more things that just look pretty. If that is all they do, any plant would accomplish that purpose. Since they are more important than that to employees, guests and you, the office plants Chicago florists recommend should be looked into.

One very good reason for plant life is they clean the air. People breathe out carbon dioxide and plants breathe this in. People need oxygen to live and plants have already turned the carbon dioxide they took in and generated that needed oxygen. In an office space with little open areas, an added supply of oxygen is very healthy for everyone.

It is not just the fresh smell that these natural things can accomplish. They actively lower the airborne presence of mildew and mold by 50 to 60 percent. They also are indispensable in keeping the humidity levels stable because they help get rid of benzene and ammonia, common chemicals used in the manufacturing of furniture and flooring, such as carpeting.

Because a plant reflects the spectrum of colors in the yellow and green range, they help prevent eye strain for people doing close work or when reading a lot of materials. They are great at reducing noise and also serve as a good room divider, depending on their size, both height and leaves or brush. Getting the correct ones for your office will require a conversation with a Chicago florist to establish a program for buying, or rental and maintenance.

As you think about all of the possibilities, in each location, there are a lot of choices and a vast number of combinations. The Chicago florists will be able to make those suggestions. Since you may want to brighten up a few dark corners, this selection is vital and leaving it up to them is the first best choice.

These professionals will be able to match the various light conditions with a nice selection of plantings that will thrive in the low medium or high light areas. The low light flowers will thrive under fluorescent lights and very little sun light. This makes them perfect for those dark corners you have so everyone can benefit regardless of where they sit.

The growing things that need more light are considered medium light and will thrive in a mixed illumination of sun light and fluorescent light. These would include Cissus rhombifolia or Grape ivy, Chama edorea and Anthurium Scherserianum. These are those that can be placed in lobbies where a lot of natural light comes through but also has illumination from various decorative lighting fixtures.

All of the high light level plantings require full sun light a very large portion of the day, almost as if they were outside. Making all of the decisions about which plant goes in what area is a science. The Chicago florists you can contract with can set up a program with just the right mix of these.

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