Monday, February 16, 2015

Understanding Online Negotiation Training Courses

By Beryl Dalton

There are two year colleges, four year universities, graduate schools and others which offer online and on-campus coursework. One of the most popular programs now online is that of online negotiation training, a training program which can benefit people on many different levels. In life, love, religion, school, and business, quality negotiations are the key to success.

The coursework involved in each program often covers different types of negotiations, positional and interest-based teaching how to work independently and as part of a team. Students also learn the difference between difficult and deceptive patterns, strategies for making cold calls, and how to begin the process for best results. There are often a number of in-person cold calls, telephone calls, and other types of business applications included during different training sessions.

As such, course leaders will often use a number of different scenarios and situations from which students can learn. On campus programs often provide a great deal of work in partnerships and groups. Whereas, online programs often use animated avatars and other characters as classmates. Either way, students are provided an assignment with challenging negotiations which generally must be completed before a student can move on to the next assignment.

Instructors use a variety of animated characters or avatars with which students work. These characters are often programmed to ask questions, use differing tactics and express any related emotions which arise during a session. Students must first answer and react to these avatars and characters, then submit a written report on the experience.

When it comes to obtaining or providing a good deal, those doing so will move ahead in the class. For those who fail to make the best deal, the exercise is often repeated until one can do so. As a result, students learn the ins and outs of getting the best deal possible. Teaching from a point of success, and, failure is a new process which appears to be working quite well in most related programs.

While most exercises are based on real world events, simulated experiences often allow students to act in ways that would otherwise not be accepted in the real world. There are far more real world experiences throughout the terms of the course with a variety of subjects and topics depending on the area in which the course may be offered.

Once having obtained the best, or a great deal, it is important to review any notes so as to remember how to do so in real life. A number of students hold on to notes from these type courses throughout life as there are many lessons learned which will no doubt come in helpful at a later date. As such, having notes as a reference can often help people continue to get better deals once the training as complete.

Students whom have attended these courses often have great things to say. One student suggest that the scenarios were quite realistic, and aided in negotiations even while still in school. While others, whether currently in similar situations or otherwise have reported learning a great deal that could be useful in the future.

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