Saturday, May 16, 2015

Using Decorative Pebbles Edmonds Retailers Provide

By Tammie Caldwell

Decorating can be lots of fun, especially since consumers have so many different materials and designs to pick from. In fact, there are so many choices, some may never know where to begin. Sure, it can be overwhelming, but just look around and see all the interesting items that can be used in any decor scheme, like decorative pebbles Edmonds retailers supply.

Not only are they readily available, but the stones are also available in various finishes. These options can make go a long way in virtually any decor scheme. Take for example river stones, which are typically smooth and flat. They come either in amount or a polished finish. On their own, placed in a clear vase, they can be placed on display, there on the shelf or a living room table. They can be quite colorful, adding lots of interest to any space.

Edmonds, WA retailers provide lots of different options with regards to these pebbles, making them useful in so many applications. For instance, one may choose to glue them directly on a wooden tray that's topped with a glass to provide for an even surface. Another interesting project is to glue them on an inexpensive frame. The best part about this is that the end result is always original, making for fabulous gifts that even children can make.

On the other hand, one can take it to a whole new level, as with home improvement project. Consider gluing them on the kitchen wall to create a custom made backsplash. This will have to be filled in with grout, but will be stunning when completed. Additionally, it will help to protect the drywall from water and other types of splashes, also making it easier to clean. What's more is that this will be a unique application.

The above are only a few examples of how the attractive stones may be utilized in decorating. Obviously, for anyone who's creative and imaginative, there are so many more. For example, one of the most popular uses for them is when they are laid upon an attractive tray when coupled with scented candles.

The latter could be displayed on a coffee table, or perhaps in the bathroom, resting upon a pretty vanity. It could be what completes a spa look right in one's own serene bathroom. Other inclusions in such a space would involve white towels, in a minimally decorated space, as it would be in a true spa.

Pebbles are a part of nature, and bringing various elements of nature into a house is what makes it a home in the end. Consider coupling them with water in a homemade water fountain that could be placed nearby to listen to the sounds of running water indoors. The same is true when used in outdoor water fountains.

These beautiful gems, since they come from nature, also belong in nature. For this reason, they are a wonderful addition to the garden. Simply surround plants with them to add more interest, but also as a means to save water, since they can double as a mulch. When decorating, always mix soft and hard elements, just the way they are in nature.

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