Tuesday, August 25, 2015

A Discussion On How To Ripen Tomatoes

By Shawn Hunter

Indoor ripening of tomatoes is not a difficult task. This will not give you the same quality as that gotten when the tomatoes are ripened by the sun but the taste is much better compared to the green ones found at grocery stores. The discussion below outlines how to ripen tomatoes in doors.

Green tomatoes should be picked from the vines before they are affected by frost. If frosting occurs before they have been picked, those which were affected will not ripen. Instead, they will take on a deep green color in a day. Keen observation of weather and reading through weather reports can keep you updated on the weather conditions and you will plan the picking period better.

Each of the fruits has to be washed under running water and inspected. Blotting should be done using a dish towel and then they should be given a chance to dry. Use of running water ensures that all the dirt, fungus and bacteria are removed and cross-contamination avoided. Any that have spots, are soft or damaged ought to be removed. However, they can still be ripened but ensure you use them first as they rot quickly.

A flat-surface container is lined with an absorbent material in preparation to spread out the tomatoes. The containers should not allow for liquids to penetrate. The spongy material is meant to contain the liquids released from the rotten tomatoes in order to prevent their spread.

The room should be adequate so that none of the fruits are in contact. The recommended spacing is two inches. The cardboards can be lined with around five paper towels or thick newspaper sheets to maximize on space. The fruits ought to be placed 1 layer deep inside the boxes and then spaced out.

The boxes fought to be placed inside a cool area with temperatures of 50-60 F. Insulated garages, unheated basement or an enclosed porch are the very good storage options. If the temperatures are high, ripening will occur faster but if they are low, the process will take some time. Humidity is another aspect which has to be regulated as it can result to a considerable rot if on the high end. A dehumidifier can be used set at 35-40%.

The tomatoes must be checked once in a week or often than that. If there are any which are fifty percent ripe, they ought to be taken out and allowed to ripen completely from the outside. In addition, they have to checked for signs of rotting. If there are any rotten ones, they have to be removed immediately because once the rotting starts, it needs just a little time to affect the whole tomato. The ripening starts from three weeks and may go on for three months.

Daily inspection is emphasized as any rot will be detected early and removed before it does any further damages. Otherwise, you may have nothing to show at the end even though you packed a large quantity of the tomatoes to ripen. Maintain good aeration in the fruits and set the humidity at low level. Humidity causes mildew and fungus which can damage the ripening tomatoes.

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