Monday, August 31, 2015

The Benefits Of A Childrens Garden Starter Kit

By Daphne Bowen

Getting the most out of everyday items, like clothing and food, has become the norm in order to save energy for the future world. Sustainable or green living saves a lot of money over time while restoring natural resources that play a part in many tangibles that are often taken for granted. Many adults are teaching younger people how to reuse in daily life. One tool that can help in this routine is a childrens garden starter kit that teaches kids how to grow their own fruits and vegetables.

Being able to plant a garden is one of the most valuable skills anyone can possess. This frees them from having to rely on produce that may be treated with pesticides or additives that can pose a serious health risk down the road. It can also be educational in terms of learning about growing and caring for living objects that serve many purposes.

The days of throwing away seeds from fruit are becoming a thing of the past. Planting for future meals is a habit that many people are practicing. After seeds have blossomed into a fruit or vegetable, people find that they need to shop for groceries less and save money over time.

Studies have shown that kids are not as physically as past generations due to sitting in front of the computer or television. This is a good way for nonathletic children to become active and get outdoors. The idea of being outside can invigorate children to become energized without overstimulating.

Even if the child lives in an apartment or has little space at home, there are indoor kits that are affordable. While they may not get the same workout from digging through dirt or watering the crop, this is still a great activity that is not for the sedentary. When they see the progress made, this can help build their confidence.

After seeds have bloomed, kids can learn the art of food preparation. This does not have to be anything fancy but basic skills will be necessary as they enter adult years and may spend part of their lives being single. Some of these methods are great alternatives to eating fast food or dining out more than once a week.

Canning is a way of preparing food so that it is seasoned and can be stored for a length of time afterward. Adding fruits or vegetables to the right combination of seasonings and vinegar or other liquids can lead to a tasty side dish or condiment. Kits to make pickles, jellies or spreads are relatively easy to use and do not cost much. Depending on how much experience a child has in the kitchen, adult assistance may be recommended. Once a good product has been created, it may be enjoyed, given away as a gift or sold to the public.

When a child learns basic gardening skills, they can move on to advanced things like natural pesticide alternatives, ways to grow during a drought or learning how to keep their garden safe from predators like birds and rodents. Another popular sustainable method for growing food and plants is composting. Instead of buying fertilizer that is treated with chemicals, they may find that food scraps do just as good, if not better job. Educating children in horticulture is something that should not be taken for granted.

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