Friday, November 6, 2015

How To Live A Prosperous Life At Present

By Mattie Knight

Seeking happiness has long been an issue for a lot of people. This is quite reflected on the amount of inspirational books published in the industry. There are differences on how one sees happiness. Many think that it has something to do with material acquisition. Others equate it to giving more to others than acquiring stuff.

But of course, wealth can just bring you just as far. Its never is meant to give someone maximum satisfaction. This is where questions like how to live a prosperous life starts to reach peoples minds. Most of the times, this does not mean acquiring anything else but rather changing some of your preconceived views.

While material things can indeed help, acquiring more will only create this illusion that you need to hoard things. In the long run, this could turn to be a real hassle, which is directly opposite to what you are trying to achieve. Here are effective things you can do at a daily basis that will help you be more prosperous.

Give without expecting in return. Experience has taught many that expecting something in return of what you have given could be harsh. Same can be said if you keep your expectations up. Why. Because there is a good chance that what you expect will not happen. At all. And this will only get you disappointed. Give freely because you want so.

Focus on living at the present. Yes its fine to visualize. We want to plan out things we wish to achieve. But its a whole new different thing if you keep on living for your future. There is even no guarantee that you will reach that stage. To enjoy real prosperity, you have to live and enjoy the present. Of course planning still matters. But it should not be your life.

Pay gratitude. Everything in your life, including the most simple things deserves a word of thanks. We cannot have them without Gods grace and we ought to thank for everything. Even those that we think is negative can be a real blessing in disguise. The fact alone that you are able to wake up today is already worth thanking for.

See the good side of everything. This is easier said than done. Indeed, how could you be so positive on things when everything seemed so be so bad. However, you must keep in mind that things happen for a reason. Your issue may seem like a bad thing. But who knows whats in store for you after that.

Pray at all times. There is no substitute to prayer. This is your ultimate weapon and shield for everything. No matter how good you are, you cannot do everything by yourself alone.

We all have our thoughts about different things. Most of these are shaped with the experiences that we had. While this could greatly impact our current decisions, we need not to stick with it forever. We can change. We just need to welcome it and accept the fact that we may need to change some things. Assess how you are living right now and see what areas would need to change for good. It all starts with a decision.

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