Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Basics Relating To Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

By Thomas Graham

Psychotherapy is today considered an integral part of management for a wide variety of illness that may be either physical or mental. Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is a form of psychotherapy that has been shown to have huge benefits for New Jersey patients when used for conditions such as depression, eating disorders and anxiety disorders among others. It involves engaging the client in a structured talk that is spread over several sessions with the aim of finding the cause and treatment of an illness.

Sessions are typically held once every week or every two weeks with each lasting thirty minutes to one hour. The total number of sessions required varies depending on the type and severity of the illness as well as the response that is shown by the client. The therapy is based on dividing problems into three major groups: thoughts, emotions and actions. Harmful thoughts and emotions are identified and dropped.

The success of this therapy is determined, to a large extent, by the existence of a healthy partnership between the client and the therapist. Clients who are actively involved in making decisions regarding their illness tend to have better outcomes than those that are not. The two should strive to find common ground for most of the major issues relating the condition or illness. Treatment options should be a product of consultations between the two.

One must remember that CBT takes time to works and the results are not immediate. There is a need to work hard and to stick to the treatment plan if even no motivation to do so exists. It is not uncommon for some clients to have their symptoms worsen particularly during the beginning of therapy but the situation tend to improve with time.

CBT is effective for conditions that affect individual clients as well as groups. Couples and family therapy are examples of treatments that have greatly benefited from the therapy. Other forms of groups may similarly benefit as long as they have similar problems. One of the main advantages of offering the therapy to a group is the fact that group members tend to share their experiences and coping skills.

Honesty is also central to the success of the treatment. The client, in particular, should be willing to openly share their thoughts, emotions and experiences. In case of any reservations regarding certain events or emotions, the therapist should be notified. The therapist, on their part, is expected to hold all the information that they receive in confidence (except when they are compelled to share it by the law).

In some cases, symptoms may occur even after successful treatment. To deal with this, one needs to continue practicing the skills that they acquired during previous CBT sessions. Re-enrolling for the therapy may be needed if the symptoms are severe. Another option is to introduce other forms of treatment so as to increase the effectiveness of CBT. Such treatments may include pharmacotherapy agents such as antidepressants and other forms of psychotherapy.

The decision to seek CBT may be made by your primary doctor or by yourself. Regardless of the case, you should ensure that the therapist is qualified (has the right education and licensing). Find out the costs involved in advance and whether or not this is part of your health cover. This will help you avoid dropping out of treatment due to financial constraints.

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