Tuesday, March 29, 2016

Concepts For Dealing With Insecurities In A Relationship

By Lisa Martin

It does not feel good to be insecure. Feeling like this can cause the relationship to come to an end. Fear is one of the reasons why people are feeling inadequate. They do not want to be compared to another person. Maybe you are thinking that you are not good enough for your partner. Dealing with insecurities in a relationship is essential if you want to avoid the situation of destroying what you have.

Take a look at how the situation really is before trusting your imagination. If you are imagining that your partner is seeing other people, this will make you insecure. Maybe your partner is not even thinking about cheating on you, but your imagination makes you feel inadequate. In this case focusing on the reality is the best thing to do.

A normal development of the romance is better. When you are in love you want things to move fast in order to reach a higher level. It will be beneficial to let things go naturally. It is not a smart move to rush things just to avoid losing the other person. Forcing things is not the way to deal with the fear of your partner leaving you.

Being considered a sneaky person can be a very bad thing. This will be the cause of more confusion for you. Try not to snoop around if you are feeling insecure about the contacts that your partner has with other people. In cases like this being sneaky can cause the situation to get worse. When dealing with your feelings of insecurity it is not a good plan to start snooping around.

Try to be as positive as possible. If you are having strong feelings of insecurity and inadequacy, maybe you are worrying too much about this romance. You will not be happy with a person if you are worrying all the time. Focus on the good experiences that you have shared with this person. Think about why you want to be with this person and why he chose you to be in a relationship with. By thinking positive you can eliminate the feelings of nervousness and insecurity.

Every relationship is different, so it does not help you in any way the compare romances to each other. Bad experiences of the past are just that. There is no reason to think that it is going to happen again. It is normal to think about what has happened. But it is not fair to your partner to think that he will do the same thing to you.

Generalizing people will not help to overcome your feelings of insecurity. No one likes to be compared to others. If you have been hurt before this does not mean that it will automatically happen again.

When in doubt about the feelings of the other person, the way to get the answer is to just ask. It can be very difficult to predict what your partner is thinking or feeling. This can drive you to insanity. It is not possible to read the mind of another person. Asking is the best way to avoid all the stress and the fear of thinking that your partner is not interested in you.

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