Friday, July 29, 2016

Benefits Of Non Profit Volunteer Organization

By William Kelly

Different services are offered by different organizations and companies. They do them at a certain cost and others do not charge at all. There are people who come up together and form a non profit volunteer organization. Their main objective is to assist the society and the public at large. They do not expect payments from any sources for the services they will have rendered.

Such people who come up with such groups are faced with certain disadvantages. Some of the disadvantages may include that such activities are time consuming. Such activities are termed to waste a lot of time helping the needy people because so many people term it as not a business. Other people prefer visiting their friends and spending time with them instead of assisting in such jobs.

This type of work is very tiring both physically and emotionally. This is because a person has to work all the day long and the most disappointing point is that you do not expect any payments from anybody. One has to think beyond where he or she is going to get funds that are going to help him sustain his own needs. Sometimes this makes a person to be stressed up with so many things and eventually this may lead to a very serious depression.

Other times you may find this kind of job to be frustrating. This is because one may find out that his colleagues are not taking the job seriously as they ought to. This somehow demotivates a person and feels like he or she is not going to continue with the same kind of job. It takes a lot of courage for one to explain and convince his colleagues about the type of job they are doing and what is expected of them.

When somebody is rewarded for the kind of work that he or she does, it feels more motivated. This encourages a person to continue working hard as they do not know what they will be rewarded with next time. This job of offering services for free sometimes does not motivate somebody. This is because no pay is made at all to anybody who works.

When people are working together, there reaches a point where there is some sort of disagreement. This disagreement may lead to a conflict which may inflict injuries to people or people get hurt emotionally. This is another challenge that the workforce faces. It is important to live harmoniously with each other so that life can be more interesting.

Every individual in that group must also be very serious and committed with the work. This will enable the project to be handled with professionalism. When everybody is committed, the tasks allocated to them will be completed in good time and no time will be wasted as well as no resources will also be wasted.

It is a good idea to offer services to the community for free. But one must be very wise when doing this. This is because he must have another source of income. This income will aid him to boost his living and health standards.

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