Sunday, July 31, 2016

How A Bay Area Educational Psychologist Can Change The Life Of A Child

By Gary Morris

In times gone by children and young people that struggled to learn, that exhibited anti social behaviour and that generally refused to conform were labelled and treated as dumb, naughty or simply backward. Such unfortunate people were given few chances in life. Today, medical and psychological experts accept the fact that there are numerous conditions that can have a negative influence on the behaviour of children. With help from a Bay Area educational psychologist such conditions can be diagnosed and treated.

Parents and teachers have to be vigilant and they need to be aware of the signs that may indicate that a child is suffering from a condition that can hamper his development. Of course, a single temper tantrum or occasional misbehaviour or even poor results in a test does not automatically mean that there is a psychological problem. However, consistent signs should never be ignored.

Some of the signs that may indicate that a child is suffering from a psychological condition include an inability to concentrate, a poor learning ability, a tendency to chatter without pause, sudden mood swings, sleeping disorders and a tendency to stay without food only to binge on snacks later. When a child displays these symptoms, it is definitely worth it to schedule a formal assessment by a qualified psychological expert.

Experts in child psychology will insist on an exhaustive evaluation before they will attempt to make a diagnosis. The child will be required to undergo both objective and subjective tests and in most cases it will also be necessary to interview the parents and other care givers. A medical examination is also deemed very important because it is possible that the symptoms displayed are related to a medical condition rather than a psychological disorder.

If a child is diagnosed with a conditions such as ADD, for example, the therapist will prepare a holistic treatment plan. Many parents think that a problem can be managed by means of medications such as Ritalin. This is not the case. Medication is not effective for all symptoms and patients sometimes experience very uncomfortable side effects. Instead, the treatment plan will focus on several areas and aim at helping the child to lead a normal fulfilling life.

Treatment programs almost always include the management of the diet, exercise regime and sleeping pattern of the patient. Regular exercise, at least 30 minutes every day, have proven to provide relief for many of the symptoms experienced by patients. A strict sleeping regime, with set times for going to sleep and getting up also help. Diet is very important and patients are encouraged to eat smaller meals more frequently rather than one or two bigger meals each day.

Ongoing counselling can help the child to learn how to cope with his condition. The therapist will teach the child techniques that will help him to increase his concentration and to deal with frustration. Many children also benefit from participating in disciplines such as yoga or meditation. It helps them to focus and to concentrate.

Children suffering from psychological disorders can be helped. There is no reason why they cannot lead full and productive lives. These disorders can be managed, just as any chronic medical condition such as hypertension, for example, can be managed.

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