Saturday, July 30, 2016

The Foursquare Churches Point Of View Towards Fellowship

By Dorothy Taylor

There were several times in which Christian followers argues among themselves. They evaluate who are those churches that follow the right practice of being a good disciple. There is nothing wrong with that. In fact, it helps them prevent who are those wolves dress in sheep trying to gather crowd just for their own interest.

However, there also plenty of time that it becomes absurd and turns out to be an internal war among religious communities. Have the Foursquare churches in Las Vegas as your example. Many people claim that these institutions are drifting away from the true fellowship of Christ. They criticized them by simple basis.

The church is founded with a lady. They do not wear skirts during their masses. And most importantly, they believed it requires effort just to be saved. If you are one of those people who think that way, you should evaluate yourself. There are times when you become so blinded with your own perspective that you become a hypocrite.

There is more to a gender than serving God. There are more to dress than showing your love and affection to Him. And if you believed that you will be saved just by thinking that Christ had paid all your sin on the cross, you are greatly wrong. His holy name will never tolerate anyone who continues to practice evil. In fact, He is really saddened when people acts evil despite knowing the right.

The bible is your only way of understanding the word of God. It is written in the simplest form that everyone could understand. You cannot deny that in every place, there are always individuals that flock to deceived people, especially today. However, judging good deeds just by human interpretation is greatly wrong. You are missing the whole point of the what it means to be a follower.

If you do not want to be a victim of scam religious sector, you may try to read the Bible. Those words are encrypted with all His mightiness and love for His people. It was simplified under the simplest form of words that you can easily understand. As long as you followed the real teaching He instructed you in the Bible, there is no way that you will stumble.

This place is just a test you need to pass. If you are confused in choosing the right fellowship you want to join, always takes the time to read the Bible. The book is the compilation of letters made out of the love of God. It was written in the most simplified form that everyone can understand it. Once you read it, surely, you will never lose sight of the right path to Him.

Those are just challenges to refine golds. Hence, stand on your feet. If you failed to realize the beautiful things in front of you together with the fellowship of Christ, nothing will change. Never be afraid to do your part for the sake of His name. The path through Him might be tough, thorny and very long. However, assure that He is just waiting for you at the gate.

On top of that, in the new Earth, He will be rebuilding His city. He will make it bigger and much more beautiful than before. Hence, if your selfishness and pride will stay in your heart, there are great possibilities that history of hardship will occur again in the promised paradise. That is why you need to pass this ordeal and concur the darkness of yourself before your time is up.

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