Tuesday, July 26, 2016

Information On How To Volunteer In Developing Countries

By Dorothy Cook

There are numerous challenges that most developing countries are grappling with. These are found in a wide range of sectors that include, among others, education, healthcare, the environment and the social sector among others. At the same time, there are numerous attractive opportunities coming up in the corporate sector thanks to the tremendous growth that has been seen in these countries. There are a number of things you can do if you plan to volunteer in developing countries.

There are two main ways that one can use to get an opportunity. The first option is where the individual identifies their preferred country. They then make an application to a governmental or non-governmental organization before making the trip. They then visit a government facility or a private organization to apply for a position. The second alternative is to sign up with an organization that will organize your placement (usually at a small fee).

The globalization taking place currently is bringing with it many benefits and challenges alike. Professionals have to interact with people from diverse backgrounds. One of the areas where the impact of this reality is being felt is in healthcare provision. Health care professionals need to understand medical conditions from all over the world. Healthcare professionals traveling to the developing world are bound to get the much needed international experience.

Professionals and specialists can make a huge impact even if they were to offer their time for a short period of time. Healthcare professionals have numerous opportunities for volunteering. Most of rural parts of Africa have very few healthcare professionals in spite of a heavy disease burden brought about by diseases such as malaria and HIV/AIDS. Doctors of all specializations, nurses and physiotherapists are all in great demand.

Another important volunteer opportunity in healthcare is in the training of healthcare professionals. If you are a trainer you have an opportunity to help impart skills and knowledge in professionals working in the most remote parts of the world. Emergency trauma care, obstetric care and pediatric management are some of the areas in which regular training goes a long way in reducing mortality and morbidity rate.

Teachers will also find plenty of opportunities to contribute positively. Most of the developing countries have experienced increased enrollment of pupils in schools in recent times. The increase has not been matched with the employment of more teachers which has put a lot of strain on the few teachers teaching at both primary and secondary schools. Volunteer teachers may contribute in sciences (physics, chemistry and biology), mathematics and foreign languages (English, French and German) among others.

In spite of the huge progress that has been made by most developing countries, a sizeable population are still faced with abject poverty. Many cannot afford basic human needs and live mainly in slums. There are many social challenges that come with such informal settlements. These include, among others, increased levels of crime, sexual violence, a high prevalence of sexually transmitted diseases and so on. Volunteer social workers have become quite helpful in such environments.

There are very many benefits associated with volunteering. These relate to both the volunteer and their host communities. While the host community benefits from the services of the volunteer, the latter gains the much needed field experience that helps in career development. There are numerous opportunities for potential volunteers in developing countries.

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