Thursday, October 27, 2016

The Benefits Of Consulting A Couples Counselor In Bethesda

By Laura Cooper

The days when the norm was that two people meet, fall in love, go out for a while, become engaged and then marry and spend the rest of their lives together are long gone. Modern life places many demands on people and people in a close relationship often cannot cope with all the pressures they experience. However, when two people that committed themselves to each other decide to dissolve the relationship it may be worthwhile to first see a couples counselor in Bethesda.

Society have changed in many ways and the roles of the sexes in a relationship has certainly changed greatly. Women no longer fulfil the traditional role of mother, cook and housemaid. They work and they have rewarding careers of their own. Men are expected to be equal partners in all things. Confusion regarding the role of each partner is all too often the main reasons for problems in a relationship.

In days gone by two people in a relationship would not dare to live together, but the rules have changed and society is much more tolerant. Unfortunately, many people commit to a shared domestic arrangement before they are truly ready for a serious commitment. These relationships often fall apart and because there is no legal bond between the parties separation is easily achieved and there are no legal repercussions.

When there are children involved the break up of a relationship hold serious ramifications for the children. There interests should be of paramount importance and when the parents are not in a legal bond the situation can become very tricky. In such cases counselling is definitely advised, even if the sole purpose is make sensible decisions regarding the future of the children.

It is interesting to note that a large percentage of people seeking professional help have been in a single relationship for a long time. In that time, they have built up a joint estate, own assets together and have joint savings, insurance and investments. They do not want to jeopardize everything they worked so hard for and are therefore often willing to seek help from a professional.

Some relationships deteriorate over time, often because one or both partners are becoming bored and domesticity has numbed the initial passion they had for each other. In most cases the deterioration can be ascribed to a lack of honest communication. In this way small issues easily become major problems. Counselling can help both partner to gain perspective and to examine their relationship in an objective manner.

There are cases where it is definitely better to end a relationship immediately. If one partner is abusive or aggressive it is best that the other party leave immediately. Sexual deviancy, ongoing substance abuse and a failure to make any form of contribution to the relationship are all also very clear and serious warning signs. This is also true for relationships that are in trouble but where one partner refuse to see a counsellor.

Committing to an intimate relationship is a serious step. It would be wise to think very carefully before going this route. It may even be best for both prospective partners to agree to see a counsellor before making a commitment.

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