Saturday, October 29, 2016

What You Need To Understand About The Glycemic Index

By Betty Brown

Diabetes is the commonest and most serious metabolic condition the world over. It is a condition whose cause is the total absence, reduced production or reduced effect of insulin hormone. The adoption of healthy lifestyles is one of the measures that can be undertaken to reduce progression from pre-diabetes to diabetes. Complications of diabetes are also halted or delayed. The glycemic index becomes important when one is considering the type of foods to be eaten.

The index is expressed numerically. The higher the number, the higher the potential of a given type of food to increase the levels of blood sugars. The general advice is that people who are at risk of diabetes or those already suffering from the condition should have less of foods that will increase their blood glucose levels and more of those with a lower index.

Food is said to have a low index if its allocated value is 55 or lower. Foods in this category are regarded as being healthy for diabetic patients. Those that have values of 56 to 69 fall in the medium category and those that have a value of 70 or more are considered as having a high value. These typically cause spikes in sugar levels as soon as they have been eaten. They should, therefore, be avoided as much as possible.

The glycemic value of food is determined by a number of factors. One of them is the method that is used in preparation. If acids, fats and fiber are added to food as it is being prepared its index will be reduced to some extent. Cooking starches for too long has been shown to increase their value. Ripeness is an important factor in fruits with those that are most ripe contributing to the greatest increase in glucose.

The index should not be the only thing to consider when choosing what to eat. The nutritional value of the food should also be thought of as the decision is being made. Although some foods have relatively high values, their inclusion in the diet is important due to a higher value of minerals and vitamins. The portion size of food consumed matters as well. Larger portions increase the sugar levels more than smaller portions.

Foods that are associated with a lower index include nuts, legumes, grains and vegetables. Starch foods have higher values and only what is needed by the body should make it to the plate. Examples include potatoes, rice and white bread. Strive to also cut down on sugary foods such as candy, cakes and cookies as these tend to cause erratic changes in the blood sugar levels.

Natural foods and those that have not been altered much generally have lower values than those that have been processed. Always ensure that you read and understand the labels on food items to know the index of any foodstuff you are buying from the store. If you are not sure about any of them, you will be well advised to consult with a nutritionist.

As you work towards achieving a healthier diet, be careful not to starve yourself. Diabetics not only have to worry about high blood sugar levels but the other extreme as well which is hypoglycemia. If the amount of calories is too low in the diet then the risk of slipping into hypoglycemia increases. This may lead to a reduction in the level of consciousness and even coma.

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