Thursday, January 25, 2018

An Overview Of Center Pivot Reinke Irrigation System

By Richard Thomas

The center pivot irrigation system has gained supremacy over the years due to the benefits it accompanies. Firstly, it is the most suitable form of irrigation in arid areas. Therefore, it can also be applied in all other areas due to its conservative water aspect. It is well fitted with rotating props around a center pivot machine thus enabling it to move in radial circumference when functioning. It also has an even emitter apparatus that regulates the speed of water flow to cut off cases of surface run-off. Below are some of the benefits that come with Reinke irrigation system.

It is characterized by its hydraulic and agronomic nature which distinguishes it from the conventional spraying. Its hydraulic feature enables the system to make better use of water resources in a very controlled way. Similarly, its agronomic nature makes it economical than other overhead irrigation methods. It also accrues better productivity regarding quantity since it applies in a larger fascinated intrigue for a homogenous crop type.

The system has an unassailable benefit in that it can also be practiced in relatively rough grounds of which other types of agricultural irrigation cannot be applied on such terrains. This is because the other overhead systems call for a relatively flat crop plot for their effectiveness. The machinery used in the system is flexibly designed and thus can be adjusted to suit the nature of the terrain in question. Similarly, the rate of velocity at which water oozes at the nozzles can be as well regulated to avoid the menace of surface run-off.

Also, the system has low operational costs in that a single machine can carry out enormous work with no or little labor cost. Similarly, it is usually operated automatically thus accumulate low maintenance costs. The overall low labor and maintenance cost leads to higher profit margins to be accrued at the end. This low factor costs greatly motivates farmers and thus economizes on farming capital.

This is also a multipurpose system as it entails a double functionality aspect since it can be used to do irrigation by fertilizer application at the same time. This leads to cost reduction in the production activities. This significantly improves its preference in a marketplace as it is cost effective compared to other methods of overhead land irrigating.

Several upcoming technologies have been integrated into the system majorly focusing on less energy conservation. This has called for the adoption of photovoltaic panels in the structure in such a way that the whole tower will use center pivot to provide massive energy for full movement. Similarly, the integration of a windmill at the center of the manual pivoted tower to provide the thrust needed in water movement in most sustainable pivot schemes.

Recently, various innovations have been achieved on the restructuring of the machine tower. These include the nozzle technology and use of electro-valve systems which have significantly improved the overall performance by censoring the crop needs on water and soil content. This emerging technology has led to modification of nozzles to be channeled from the central pivot rather than sub-pivot centers.

Finally, the overall system has been of abundant beneficial than other overhead agricultural methods. It is, therefore, one of the most suitable methods worldwide and is thus practiced mostly despite its high initial capital outlay.

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