Tuesday, January 30, 2018

If You Are Searching For A Spirit Filled Church Las Vegas Has Many To Choose From

By Donald Jones

Connecting to God is a wonderful thing. People were meant to have some type of Higher Power. Being alone on this Earth is not a good thing. People need to have something to look forward to and something to rely on. If you are looking for a Spirit filled church Las Vegas has several of them in this area. Visit one or several of them to see if you like it.

Reading the Bible everyday is a good idea. It is comforting and will give you guidance. You can memorize verses and take them with you in your mind and heart. It will increase your faith and understanding of what your purpose is and how you can get along with others. Getting along with other people is a big part of life. Ask God what you need to work on and ask him to give you strength.

Make your church going a regular event. Being a part of something bigger than you helps give you a purpose. It helps create a sense of belonging which can help your self esteem. When you feel like people care about you, your hope and faith rises which can actually help with your relationship with God. Do not be afraid to reach out and ask what you need.

Check your schedule and make sure you can make this a reality. Some jobs will require you to work overtime on the weekends. You have made that commitment with your boss and now you want to attend something during the time that you already committed. You need to decide because you obviously cannot be in two places at once. Make arrangements with your manager if you have decided to make this a priority.

Compare churches in your area to see which one you like the most. Listen to the sermons and take them in your heart. Trust your gut instinct on which one is the best for you to attend. Ask God which one He wants you to go to. When you make friends there, ask them why they like that particular Church. Ask them to give you examples.

Talk to the pastor and get to know him or her. Ask yourself if this is your right place and pray about it. Read the Bible often as it will give you strength and direction even on which church to go to.

Ask family members and friends where they go. Visit the church with them and see if you enjoy it. Meet other people that go there and see if there is a connection. Ask questions about their beliefs and doctrines. Try to stay away from doctrine if you can as the Bible is very clear and simple and has no doctrine in it.

Obeying the Bible is a good thing to do. It can take courage to do this in this crazy world, but do it anyway. Ask your pastor for help with that if you need to. Do not ever be ashamed to get help. It is part of life. Being ashamed of that is silly since everyone needs help from time to time.

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