Saturday, March 10, 2018

The Essentials Of Salary Negotiations And Employment Opportunity Screening

By Marie Allen

Many people are faced by the challenge of unemployment globally. The rates of unemployment in the world have skyrocketed in the recent years with the youth being the most affected by this challenge. This has created a lot of competition for the available employment slots that exist with people willing to do anything to acquire these slots. This has in turn brought about vices in the society like corruption and blackmailing of job seekers to get the positions. It is therefore important to contemplate on the genuineness of a job offer. This publication will look at deliberations to make in job offer evaluation, including salary negotiations.

Researching about the prospective employer should always be the first step to take in assessing a job opportunity. People should take time to research about the company offering the employment opportunity to determine whether the company is genuine and fit for them. The best place to acquire knowledge about a company is in the social media, the stock exchange markets and the company's official website.

Another important consideration to make when assessing a prospect employment is the salary offered. The main reason why people look for employment is financial freedom and salary is the major factor affecting financial freedom. People should ensure that the salary the employer is offering will be able to sustain them fully and give them the financial freedom they desire. The salary should be able to handle all the employees' expenses and still some amount for saving.

Benefits associated with the employment should also be deliberated on while assessing viability of an employment opportunity. Salaries and wages are not the only payoffs accrued from being employed. There are other important benefits associated with being employed that act as a defining factor whether one applies or does not apply for a specific job. Such benefits include insurance, incentives, retirement benefits, pension and leaves.

Hidden additional costs associated with the employment should also be considered when evaluating new employment opportunities. There are costs that are not documented or indicated in the offer letter that are very essential and that may affect the saving and expenditure plans. Transportation and relocation costs are some of the hidden costs associated with new employment opportunities that should be considered when assessing a job offer.

Work load associated with the new employment should also be an important consideration to make. People should ensure that they understand the amount of work load associated with the employment opportunity. This will help a person understand what is required of them if employed. This will also help people in guessing the amount of their time the new job will take beyond normal working hours.

Career path associated with an opportunity should be an important deliberation while assessing an employment opportunity. Understanding the career path of an advertised position is very important for individuals seeking employment. Applying for an employment opportunity within an individual's career path builds on specialization. Therefore, it is important for individuals to take time to research on the career path of an advertised position.

While assessing such an opportunity, it is important to consider the values of the employer. As job seeker, ensure to compare your personal values against those of the potential employer and ascertain whether they are compatible. If they are not, then their relationship may not work at all.

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