The old and new testament has a relationship that relates the life of Christ. Some of the statements and events found in the Old Testament are forecasts of the life that the Messiah would live. Here is an explanation of the foreshadowing of Christ to consider.
The story of Abel and Cain. This marks the first event that explains what would happen to Jesus. Abel was a shepherd just as Christ is explained and used to please God with his sacrifices. His offering is documented as a fragrance which is similar to the description given about Jesus as a perfect sacrifice. Moreover, his death at the hands of Cain implies the death that Jesus would face.
Abraham attempt to sacrifice to his son. The event of Abraham and Isaac has a perfect relationship with the agony of Jesus before He was crucified. Isaac carrying firewood for the unknown sacrifice is an indication of the time that Christ carried His own cross to be crucified. Also, it took three days to for God to provide an alternative sacrifice which implies the three days that Jesus took to raise from the dead.
Similarities in the birth of Jesus. Both Jacob and David were promised by God that a great kind would be born from their lineage. Jesus is among their genealogy making this statement an explanation of his birth. Also, prophets like Isiah and Micah had prophesied the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem.
Foreshadowing of Jesus ministry. There are a couple of aspects which describes the ministry of Messiah. For instance, the burnt sacrifices used in various sacrificial events were supposed to one year old and were not supposed to have any blemish. Messiah is described in Hebrews as a person without sin who we become righteous through this.
Moses and the bronze snake. Moses was instructed to build a bronze snake which was meant to heal those who were suffering from snake bites. The fact that God chose a snake to heal their agony implies that Jesus came to earth and adopted our sinful nature and from that we become righteous. The bronze snake implies that we are freed from our sins when we look upon to the Messiah.
The event of David and king Darrius. The Israelite were in captive of the Babylonians and Daniel was a prophet during the reign of king Darrius. Darius agreed on a decree which would prevent everyone from praying but Daniel could not take heed of this. As a result, he was prosecuted by being held in a den of lions. This is similar to the situation that Pontius Pilate had when he was forced to prosecute Jesus against his will.
The ministry of Elijah and Elisha. These are among the Major Prophets in the bible. Elijah performed a miracle of feeding one hundred people with twenty loaves as well as Jesus with the five thousand people. Elisha raised a young boy and the same happened with Christ by raising a couple of people.
The story of Abel and Cain. This marks the first event that explains what would happen to Jesus. Abel was a shepherd just as Christ is explained and used to please God with his sacrifices. His offering is documented as a fragrance which is similar to the description given about Jesus as a perfect sacrifice. Moreover, his death at the hands of Cain implies the death that Jesus would face.
Abraham attempt to sacrifice to his son. The event of Abraham and Isaac has a perfect relationship with the agony of Jesus before He was crucified. Isaac carrying firewood for the unknown sacrifice is an indication of the time that Christ carried His own cross to be crucified. Also, it took three days to for God to provide an alternative sacrifice which implies the three days that Jesus took to raise from the dead.
Similarities in the birth of Jesus. Both Jacob and David were promised by God that a great kind would be born from their lineage. Jesus is among their genealogy making this statement an explanation of his birth. Also, prophets like Isiah and Micah had prophesied the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem.
Foreshadowing of Jesus ministry. There are a couple of aspects which describes the ministry of Messiah. For instance, the burnt sacrifices used in various sacrificial events were supposed to one year old and were not supposed to have any blemish. Messiah is described in Hebrews as a person without sin who we become righteous through this.
Moses and the bronze snake. Moses was instructed to build a bronze snake which was meant to heal those who were suffering from snake bites. The fact that God chose a snake to heal their agony implies that Jesus came to earth and adopted our sinful nature and from that we become righteous. The bronze snake implies that we are freed from our sins when we look upon to the Messiah.
The event of David and king Darrius. The Israelite were in captive of the Babylonians and Daniel was a prophet during the reign of king Darrius. Darius agreed on a decree which would prevent everyone from praying but Daniel could not take heed of this. As a result, he was prosecuted by being held in a den of lions. This is similar to the situation that Pontius Pilate had when he was forced to prosecute Jesus against his will.
The ministry of Elijah and Elisha. These are among the Major Prophets in the bible. Elijah performed a miracle of feeding one hundred people with twenty loaves as well as Jesus with the five thousand people. Elisha raised a young boy and the same happened with Christ by raising a couple of people.
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