Monday, August 27, 2018

Why You Need Fearless Determination In The Face Of Adversity

By Ann Graham

If you want to be successful in life you need to have fearless determination . There are so many challenges that people go through but what differentiates winners from losers is, winners face their problems head on. No matter how difficult a situation is you need to have fearless determination in the face of adversity.Never allow fear to weigh you down.

The number one key to facing challenges unafraid is believing in yourself. Look, we can never really live life unafraid. Fear is always going to be there but, we have to stand firm and believe that no matter what we are facing, we can do it. We need to believe that whatever is ahead of us is just but for a season. The truth is no challenge lasts forever but the sooner we face it the sooner we overcome and move one with our lives.

Another reason why you need to be courageous is that every difficulty is a stepping stone to great things. Go down memory lane of your own life and the lives of people who are close to you and you will realize that it is the challenges they went through that turned them to great people in society. Even if there is no one in your personal life that you can look up to, read about different great men and women in the world. Life did not come to them easy, they stood out because they looked beyond their problems and faced challenges.

Being confident is crucial when facing challenges. Lack of confidence means that you will miss great opportunities in life. You will fail to see an opportunity in a challenging situation especially if all are focusing on the problem. But, when you have confidence, you will be able to face problems as they come. To you problems will be a chance for you to find new opportunities to do great things in life.

Set aside your need for comfort and safety. You can never be fearless if you all you are looking for is comfort. Those people who have made it in life and have in one way or the other stepped out of their comfort zones. This means you will have to head into uncharted territories. Instead of turning away from challenging situations always face and deal with things head on.

One of the worst things in life is going through a difficult situation and not knowing how to deal with it. Challenges have a way of making people feel defeated. You will also feel used when the challenge you go through makes you feel defeated. People want to make sense of the hardship they go through.

You do not want all the pain you have gone through to go waste. Challenges are temporary, you will not go through the same things all your life and the sooner you face these challenges the better. While you do not know exactly when the problem will go away, it will definitely go away. When you look at challenges as being temporal you will be able to come up with action steps to manage them.

Every individual on earth deals with some kind of fear and challenge. You need to live life courageously irrespective of what you are going through. Do not let difficulties to control you.

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