Wednesday, February 13, 2019

Distinguishing The Good And Bad Side Of Energy Cord

By Laura Morgan

While living in this world, it would be hard for you not to avoid those people around you. You see them every day in your life whether a single person or a group one. And with many humans in a society, you cannot escape some interactions. Social interaction is not something to be avoided. In fact, a person really needs that in order to survive. After all, no man is an island. You might be a stuck up emo with adamant will to detach with others, eventually, whether you like it or not, you still will need someone or some people in your life. Anyhow, building connections is fine and here, you would know about some boon and bane of energy cording.

Pause for a moment and try to ponder those significant persons in your life. Now, do you remember how you met them? For sure, some took you a while to get close with. And others happened just naturally because of your same interests, making both of you hit off easily. You somewhat wonder how it happens. Well apparently, what you did is exactly how energetic cording functions.

Connection. That term is what you would associate with energetic cording. Whenever you meet different individuals in your life, whether friends or strangers, you are forming a cord with those people. Even that normal delivery boy coming inside your house gives you some connection.

Building cords are done by sharing energy with a person or group of people. For lovers, they could do it with their expression or feelings of adoration as well as sexual intercourse. But it does not only limit on that way. Cords can also be found through your solar plexus or your heart.

The good side about this is how you could build attachments with others especially in relationship. That bond and connection between lovers is what made them hold into their relationship and make it stronger. Even if friendships, it works well. Your friends will stay longer as you share energy with them by spending time with them.

However, it also has some negative sides. Because you keep on encountering different individuals anywhere, sometimes you absorbed some unwanted energies. And those unwanted energies are not yours and it will also affect you in such a way you become mentally drained.

Aside from that, it might also be difficult for you if you are the sensitive and empathetic type of individual. You get unnecessary energies which will be the cause of your stress. And in a relationship setting, dealing someone with personality issues may surely drain your system.

Anyhow, you could still cut down those strings or cords you built. Sometimes you will select that option for your own goodness. And that method might be complicated. Nevertheless, you should not be discouraged with that. The most important thing you really must do is to think and be willing to cut that cord. Without that conviction, it will be futile.

You may probably understand now why sometimes you became so tired after dealing with many people. Like mentioned above, meditation can help in erasing those negativities. Furthermore, you must be careful also in giving away and receiving energy.

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