Thursday, February 14, 2019

How To Become An Intuitive Dream Reader

By Pamela Kennedy

When it comes to psychic phenomena and the occult, there are a number of different areas. One of the most commonly used by individuals whether psychic or otherwise is that of being a intuitive dream reader. For, while having psychic and intuitive skills is helpful, there are a number of resources which can help anyone decipher and interpret dreams.

In addition, as dreams often reveal information buried deep within the subconscious, some often hold prophecies and clues which can deeply enhance daily life. Whereas, our spirit and intuition guides are more likely to appear in dreams so as to not have to deal with rational minds and egos when relaying a message. As such, dreams can often contain important guidance and messages from these guides, during REM sleep.

The first step to understanding dream interpretation is to keep a personal journal to document dreams. For, it is essential to understand the important details and events in order to interpret dreams or provide accurate interpretation to others. In most cases, it is recommended that the individual use a blank lined journal and keep it next to the bed for easy access when awaking in the morning.

When documenting dreams, it is important to record as much detail as possible. For example, the place, location, people, animals and any other specific information need be recorded as soon as waking from a dream. Most often, individuals and professionals will be using a resource guide to obtain the meanings and symbols related to this recorded information.

For individuals whom do not like to, or can not write due to a disability, using a voice recorder or typing dreams out on a typewriter, laptop or smart phone are all viable options. For, the purpose is to keep a record of dreams so that the individual can return and reflect on the events and experiences while attempting to decipher the events and experiences which occurred during REM sleep.

In some cases, these events and experiences can assist individuals in daily life. In addition, when individuals can set intention before falling asleep, there are some cases where dreams can be used to answer specific questions or provide guidance on a particular topic. While this is the case, using a repetitive mantra or meditating in relation to the desired outcome can often be beneficial when doing so.

Resources are also available which can aid in this type of interpretation. For example, there are dream dictionaries, publications and websites which provide meanings based on specific information in dreams. Regardless of the subject of dreams, these resources often have information related to the content which can aid interpretation.

Ultimately, anyone wishing to unlock and interpret the meaning of dreams need pay close attention to metaphors and symbols and how those relate to daily life. For, in doing so, it can often be easier to understand the meanings and messages in dreams. If the message lacks clarity, simply stay aware and open to receiving the meaning behind the dream in order to gain a better understanding of the dream over time.

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