Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Goals And Steps To Achieve Them

By Anne Wong

Every success begins with clarity. you need to take a seat down and think through exactly what it is you wish to achieve in your life. Remember to differentiate the long-term and short-term goals goals. Once you are clear about the goals that you want then, come back to the present and plan to achieve them. Also remember that we're on a deadline in achieving these items.

Everything starts with a list. The basic tool of your time management is a list that is organised by priority and used as a constant tool for personal management. Time management requires self-discipline, self-control and self-mastery. you need to make the wisest judgements necessary so that your way of life will be enhanced.

Every month, you need to plan ahead of time the things that you wish to accomplish. Make a listing of every step you'll need to take in order to complete those things then organise that list by priority and sequence. Review your list and apply the 80/20 rule before you begin once you've prepared a listing for the coming day. This rule states that, 20 percent of your activities will account for 80 percent of the value of your activities. For example you have ten items to finish, two of those items will be more valuable than the other eight items combined.

The key question in all of priority administration is this. "What is the most valuable use of my time right now?" And the solution to this is. Dedicate yourself to recuperating and better by doing those things that account for most of your results.

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