Thursday, January 31, 2013

Organic Food, Is It Really Beneficial?

By Jason Cooper

Is It Really True That Organic Food Is Able To Improve Your Health?

The concept of "organic food" has been with us for countless years. Lately however, it is being more popular and has turned into quite a hype which is drawing many people into it. People involved in the health food industry are creating huge profits during this hype as organic food costs more then the non-organic foods found in the shop. Keeping all this in mind, the question must be asked; is organic food profoundly beneficial or perhaps even necessary for our bodies? Is the high cost regarding organic food acceptable?

To find out all the information and facts, lets take an initial look at what the expression "organic" actually means to us. The term "organic" pertaining to food, indicates that it has not been changed unnaturally. Ionizing radiation, artificial hormones and chemically enhanced fertilizers are illustrations of things that are not used to accelerate or boost the food's growth or quantity. When considering the fundamental protein foods including eggs, dairy and meat, antibiotics or Growth Hormone (GH) are not given to the animals.

The process of growing commercial organic food is not an easy one as a total of 3 years need to pass before their fruit and vegetables can be termed "organic" 24 months have to pass to build up the soils natural nutrients so all chemicals are out of the soil when the organic food is grown. A lot of hard work and time goes into organic food, hence its understandable that its more expensive. The thing is, the question still needs to be posed; is this all essential? Is organic produce seriously going to make a significant improvement to my health?

The good news is that you will discover many other good reasons to buy organic food. Firstly, organic food has a great deal more nutritional value then the non-organic alternative. A sample of milk used by research workers revealed up to twice as many natural antioxidants, 50% more Vitamin E and 70% more Beta Carotene then milk taken from regular cows. Organic food is also free of the various chemically enhancing agents pointed out earlier which commonly have a detrimental effect on your health. By not carrying these positivelly dangerous compounds the food is better for your health. Many have said that organic food also offers a better taste but that's commonly just a personal preference.

Primarily using organic food will also have a beneficial influence on our environment. Pesticides and insecticides have been confirmed to have a major effect on the worldwide ecosystem and as organic food features neither of these its better for the ecosystem. Global warming has grown to be a severe threat to our twenty-first century society. The good thing is that organic food doesn't use chemicals so it is not going to create too much pollution. Also, it is important to be aware that when farm animals are fed on organic food they are also usually treated well so that they will also produce well. Unlike the small cages and the force feeding procedures witnessed on many other farms, organically fed animals are often "free range" and are allowed to walk around in open areas.

So organic foods are good for the environment, your health and even makes certain that the animals on the farms are treated well and not abused. As with anything thats good you will find downsides, with organic food its the cost, so its up to you to determine whether or not youll benefit from having to pay more for organic food.

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